What does the future VPN integrated into the Edge browser promise?

What does the future VPN integrated into the Edge browser

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A confidential tool a few years ago, reserved for players and security specialists, the vpn has become a application almost indispensable today for surfing the Internet, whether surfing incognito or accessing blocked content. It is valid on his computerher Tablet or his mobileto the extent that Microsoft decided to integrate it directly into his Edge browser.

So far only Opera offered in a “native” way a vpn in his Navigator, but Microsoft has therefore decided to imitate its competitor, and thus to pull the rug out from under Google and Chrome, whose respective browsers require the addition of an extension, often paid for, to take advantage of a VPN. On the Mozilla side, the VPN is free, but it is not integrated directly into firefox.

To surf anonymously and safely

A technical support document, sourced by Windows Latest reveals that Microsoft is developing its own secure network called Edge Secure Network, and that it integrates VPN functions. This feature is already available to some Windows beta testers, and can be found in edge Canary, the development version of Edge.

This function Edge Secure Network actually uses the Cloudflare service to encrypt the traffic and thus avoid being traced. Cloudfare is this service that is a hit in Russia to allow censorship to be circumvented. This function thus prevents an Internet service provider from monitoring your web browsing since your IP adress is replaced by that of Cloudflare. Russian people use it to surf foreign news sites or to access social networks blocked by the regulator Russian.

A limited tool

However, while Edge Secure Network encrypts your data, it does not offer any form of location protection. Clearly, even though it allows browsing the web using a Cloudflare IP address, the location is still tied to your regional address. The tool is not designed to mislead on its geolocation, and it will therefore not be possible to connect to a service prohibited in Europe or in France because of the GDPRor to access US versions of netflix or Amazon Prime.

Another limit: you can’t choose your favorite server to go on the Internet, and you have to be content with the one offered by Cloudfare. Finally, Windows Latest specifies that there is a limit in the volume of data with 1GB of free data per month and it requires syncing this feature using your Microsoft account.

Conclusion: if you use Edge, you can already take advantage of this type of function, and all you need to do is use warping, the free VPN from Cloudfare. It works with any browser and on any operating system. It also allows you to surf faster thanks to the servers DNS of Cloudfare.

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