The Franco-Algerian agreement of 1968, which Paris threatens to denounce, confers a particular status to Algerians whose traffic, stay and employment conditions in France. France will ask Algiers to “re -examine” this agreement, and the way it is executed, within four to six weeks, announced Prime Minister François Bayrou, insisting on the issue of readmissions at the end of February.
Paris will notably provide the Algerian government with a “emergency list” of people considered to be “sensitive” and that the French government wants to be taken over by Algeria, failing which the 1968 agreement will be denounced. This threat comes in a context of serious crisis with Algeria, notably after the deadly attack on Saturday from Mulhouse, which is accused of an Algerian national in an irregular situation that, according to Paris, Algeria refused to resume fourteen times.
But what do these more favorable stays and employment conditions really correspond to Algerians? And in what context were these agreements signed? Video response, in this new format directed by L’Express.