What does Marine Le Pen play?

What does Marine Le Pen play

What does Marine Le Pen play? The former presidential candidate released the reins of the National Rally for good three weeks ago. Officially to devote himself to the presidency of the RN group in the Assembly. But his ambitions go well beyond the Bourbon Palace.

It’s no secret that Marine Le Pen is preparing for a fourth presidential candidacy. No one doubts it at the RN and it is even central in the narrative developed by its advisers since this summer. Haloed by its 41% in the second round of the last presidential election, the former party leader will re-enlist. But to do this, she must gain height, become more presidential and get her hands out of the oil, as her relatives say. “The management of the party is more at her level and then she gave! », explains one of his followers.

But be careful, in the party, we must not shout too loudly that Marine Le Pen will be a candidate again in 2027. “She wants to leave herself a way out”, confided to us an MEP who knows her very well. A way out in case she is no longer able to access the second round. Because four and a half years is a long time. Until then, anything can happen.

“You are not here to have fun”

Until then, Marine Le Pen will continue to exist by simply moving the nerve center of the National Rally, from the party headquarters to the Assembly. It is from the Bourbon Palace that everything is now decided. And it is Marine Le Pen who is in charge. It is she who has piloted all the political moves of the group since the start of the school year. And there have been a few since the start of parliament. The rest of the time, she keeps watch, every Tuesday in a group meeting. “Weigh your every word, you’re not here to please yourself”, she notably launched to her deputies, just after the controversy over the racist remarks of Grégoire de Fournas. Because its balance sheet in the coming months will be indexed to that of the RN group in the Assembly.

“Marine Le Pen’s new place is a balancing act”

But don’t expect to see her commenting on every piece of legislation. “She won’t do press conferences for crummy stuff anymore, promises those around him. Get ready for it to become rarer, especially in the media! »

“It’s a balancing act” recognizes one of his closest advisers who is betting on the strength of Marine Le Pen’s moral authority to win in 2027. A single objective now for her: to appear as the mother of the nation when Jordan Bardella manages the day-to-day affairs of the party . But isn’t her young colt in danger of taking on too much light? “He is absolutely loyal to Marine,” believes a member of the party leadership who concludes: “He’s the conductor now, but it’s still Marine Le Pen who writes the symphony. »
