What does Gérald Darmanin play?

Darmanin strongly criticized for maintaining order and his remarks on

Gérald Darmanin, the vibrant Minister of the Interior, is at the heart of the news with the return of his immigration law to the 100-day agenda. He is one of the defectors from the right who has established himself in Macronie but who is not unanimous in the majority. What does Gérald Darmanin play?

This is certainly one of the questions posed by Elisabeth Borne who does not appreciate this provocative and ambitious Minister of the Interior, always cited as one of her potential successors to Matignon. A Renaissance senator thought so recently, when the Prime Minister seemed weakened by her failure to find a majority with the Republicans to vote for pension reform. ” If the president wants the right to be with him, he puts Darmanin in Matignon “.

Darmanin, “THE” recourse, is all the same a bit short. Because some members of the majority, on the contrary, question his ability to attract Les Républicains for whom he retains the image of a traitor. And Gérald Darmanin also acts as a foil for the left wing of Macronie. A Renaissance deputy from the socialist party takes a dim view of eagerness of the Minister of the Interior and declared: Darmanin, Prime Minister, I will not say that I wish “. Translate, no thanks.

Centerpiece of government

However, Gérald Darmanin remains a centerpiece of the government. He is irremovable in a government team where the ministers who embody their portfolio are not so numerous. A member of the majority recognizes that with him, “ we see who is in charge “. It is true that Gérald Darmanin, a follower of the strong method of his illustrious predecessor in Beauvau, Nicolas Sarkozy, jumps on all the balls, and displays his unconditional support for the police. He also sometimes goes too far, such as recently when he created an incident with Italy by comparing the president of the far-right Italian Council, Giorgia Meloni and Marine Le Pen to highlight their common inability to solve the crisis. European migration. A political tackle and so much the worse for the collateral diplomatic damage.

Can Gérald Darmanin afford everything?

To hear a historical macronist, Gérald Darmanin is ” more helpful than annoying “and he has a relationship” of confidence with Emmanuel Macron for whom the republican order is an issue. ” It is better to have a Minister of the Interior who is not soft at the knees… We need to have strong figures who send the opposition back on the ropes “, explains the same interlocutor. A tailor-made role for Gérald Darmanin but a provisional role. The question is to know when and for what it will change.
