What does Emmanuel Macron plan for education?

What does Emmanuel Macron plan for education

Winner of the 2022 presidential election, Emmanuel Macron will be able, the day after his victory, to tackle what he considers to be one of the major projects of his new mandate: school. Innovative lessons, collaboration with companies or resumption of fundamentals… The president has a lot of duties for the next five years!

Re-elected with 58.54% of the vote, Emmanuel Macron pledged throughout his presidential campaign to dedicate this new mandate to the redesign of the school system. What he considers, along with health, as one of the “two huge projects” to be tackled over the next five years, must actually go through deep and innovative transformations, both for students and for teachers. Fight against school dropoutoffer concrete and varied professional perspectives from middle school or even generously upgrade the teacher salary… Here are the specifications set by Emmanuel Macron for this new presidential mission.

What are Emmanuel Macron’s proposals for school?

  • Back to basics. Alongside the creation of new materials, Emmanuel Macron first wants to get back to basics. Given the low level of French schoolchildren, this return to basics is a priority. Indeed, the latest Timms report, which measures the level of pupils in CM1 and 4th grade, ranked France in last position of all the countries of the European Union in Cm1 and penultimate in fourth.
  • Maths, in the common core in high school. The performances in mathematics especially are the most deplorable, especially since the subject was taken out of the common core during the last reform of the baccalaureate. Thereby, Emmanuel Macron proposes to reintegrate mathematics into the common core until Terminale. One of the more or less long-term goals, to give high school students the desire to move towards economic and commercial preparatory classes, which lost 9% of their workforce in 2020, according to teachers in the sector.
  • 30 minutes of sport per day at school. Still concerning traditional matters, the re-elected president wants the establishment of a “half hour of daily sport“at school because”sport at school is a fundamental point”.
  • Digital education at school. About the orientation, Emmanuel Macron proposes the creation of a new teaching between the 5th and the 3rd, at the rate of a half-day per week, devoted to digital, to manual knowledge, to the learning of the code “in equivalent of the second language”, but also and the discovery of new trades with the meeting of professionals. In this, Emmanuel Macron wishes to bring the school closer to the world of business, and to initiate a more concrete bridge between the theoretical and practical worlds, allowing college students to have “access to jobs outside to understand what they want to go to”.
  • In fact, the President also wants carry out a major reform of the vocational high schooland see the internships of professional high school students longer, and above all paid with state funding.

► The Emmanuel Macron’s program

An envelope of 12 billion for Education, increase in teachers

The redesign of the school for the pupils, must also be beneficial to those who work there. Thereby, Emmanuel Macron declared devoting an envelope of 6 billion euros to the payroll, going through a large increase in salaries, and career starts for new teachers at no less than 2000 euros. In exchange for a new, more generous salary scale, the president nevertheless asks them to invest in other missions, such as the replacing absent colleagues or helping with homework.

Furthermore, the President wishes to give more autonomy to establishments, such as the recruitment of new teachers, outside the traditional assignment paths, depending on specific needs and profiles. It also wants to make the autonomy of primary schools a priority and propose 35-hour contracts at AESH (Accompanying students with disabilities).
A large consultation is also planned at the start of the five-year term with teachers, parents, secondary school students and local elected officials. Indeed, Emmanuel Macron had already specified, on March 3, that he wanted make a selection in the professional sectors, too numerous and for some without outlets. Similarly, President Macron wants more transparency in the communication of the results of national assessments, in order to highlight “pedagogical practices that lead to better results“. An entire program !
