What does Elisabeth Borne play?

What does Elisabeth Borne play

The day after the 11th day of mobilization against the pension reform, Elisabeth Borne changes tone and calls, in remarks reported by the newspaper The world, not to ” rush things “… While the President of the Republic is still in China, the Prime Minister makes it known that she hopes for peace with the unions.

The unions must not come out humiliated from this sequence “says Elisabeth Borne. Words that show a desire to smooth things over when, for weeks, Emmanuel Macron has been scratching Laurent Berger. Again in recent days, from China, the president has challenged the idea of ​​” democratic crisis on which the leader of the CFDT insists…

Read also : Faced with the mobilization against the pension reform, “the Stall” for Emmanuel Macron, on the front page of the press review

As the question arises of how to get out of the deadlock, the Prime Minister believes that it is necessary ” a period of convalescence “. We must be extremely careful not to rush things, we must let things rest. The country needs peace.” assures Elisabeth Borne. Now is not the time for angry subjects like end of lifesubject carried by the President of the Republic who announced four days ago an upcoming bill… “We must avoid talking about retirement, old age, end of life…”she joked in front of her relatives, reports The world.

Elisabeth Borne knows she is in the hot seat. The question of her departure from Matignon arises, so she chooses to put forward her point of view, even if it means giving the impression of questioning the presidential course, analyzes Valérie Gas of the political service. Emmanuel Macron asked her to enlarge the majority, she believes ” that before going to find allies to vote on the texts, it is important that we say where we want to go “.

Read also : A twelfth day of action announced for April 13 against pension reform in France

But faced with questions about this distancing, Elisabeth Borne calmed things down by declaring this Friday morning that she shared the ” same goals than Emmanuel Macron. ” We discuss regularly with the President of the Republic and I think we share the same analysis: there is a need for appeasement in the country “Said the head of government at the end of the morning during a trip to Rodez (Aveyron).

Eisabeth Borne: “The president has set a course and I’m working on the roadmap he gave me”

A clarification that was needed…
