Today, June 23rd, the new PS Plus will be released for PS4 and PS5, which is a bit based on Microsoft’s “Game Pass”. But how does that go down with our readers? Almost 5,000 of you replied to us and the trend is clear.
Sony is also launching the new PS Plus models in Germany today, which merges with PS Now and becomes a kind of “Game Pass” like its competitor Microsoft.
We asked you in a survey which PS Plus subscription you will get and what you think of the offer in general.
These are the results of our survey: After currently 4,789 votes (as of June 23, 00:20 a.m.), the poll results look like this:
PS Plus Essential: All information about the new standard subscription on PS4 & PS5 – release, games, price
So there is a clear trend. Almost half of you (49% combined) are not convinced by the new PS Plus and will remain with the Essentials subscription, which corresponds to the previous PS Plus.
A little over 1,000 readers make the upgrade to an extra subscription, where at least 400 more games are available. But not even one in five of you also wants to use the streaming offer and the game trials that are offered with the premium subscription.
In this video we explain the new PS Plus to you in entertaining 2 minutes:
Everything you need to know about Sony’s new PS Plus model – in 2 minutes
This is how the new PS Plus works
The new models look like this: You have the choice between 3 models, Essential, Extra and Premium. These offer a different number of features, which is reflected in the price:
All three PS Plus models at a glance
Essential is PS Plus as you know it so far. With Extra, 400 games are also part of the subscription, which you can then download and play for free. Premium comes with 340 games to stream and game trials.
You can find out which subscription is worthwhile for you here:
PS Plus subscription: Essential, Extra or Premium – Which package is right for me?
You made these comments
That’s what you say about the new PS Plus: As usual, in our comments on the changes to PS Plus, you had a lively and detailed discussion. Here we would like to present you some of the most popular of your comments.
Bee bird, for example, can possibly imagine the extra subscription, but doubts the sense of such a subscription model as a whole. The problem here is more the time than the price:
The extra package is the most interesting for me, but only because I already have Plus.
I also have to say in general: I’m probably in the minority here or just too “old”, but with the whole Game Pass issue I’m wondering… Why do I need a subscription service for games? Sure – the model is very successful in other entertainment areas – Netflix, Spotify. What is successful is always copied. I understand that objectively.
But then I really look at it and … it’s nice to theoretically have access to all these games, but honestly – I can’t play them all anyway. I can’t keep up with what I still want to play, how should that be with a subscription?
MeinMMO-User Bienenvogel
BavEagle also sees a lack of time for the games as a bigger problem than the offer in general or the associated prices:
The new “PlayStation Plus” is certainly not innovative and does not guarantee any competition with the “Xbox Game Pass”. However, the question arises, which PlayStation player needs that?
My library is also overflowing with unplayed games, although we have only specifically placed a few monthly free games in the library.
That’s why I see the new “PlayStation Plus” positively, because at least with regard to the usual PS+ everything remains the same and above all in terms of price. If that wasn’t enough for me, I would have switched to the Xbox with the new generation of consoles, but so many games just don’t add any value to me.
Whether I’ll consider an upgrade to “PlayStation Plus Extra” after all, time and the games contained there will tell. For 2 to 3 games, which I could get in the sale for a similar price, it is currently not worth the extra charge to me.
MeinMMO user BavEagle
huhu_2345 wants to try the most expensive option anyway:
I’ll probably try Premium for a year. If it doesn’t bring me any real added value, I then switch to Extra.
MeinMMO user huhu_2345
The streaming options from the premium subscription do not seem to convince you in general. Users such as Todesdose would have preferred PC downloads to cloud gaming, which he sees critically in view of the German Internet.
Was hoping that it would be possible to download and play games on the PC, just like with Game Pass, especially with the old games. It is precisely the possibility of using Xbox and PC that makes this so interesting. Streaming is just not feasible for me because of the Internet developing country Germany, too bad.
MeinMMO-User Death Box
This is just a small selection of many great and interesting comments. Your statements thus confirm the findings of our survey: you are largely satisfied with the status quo, you don’t urgently need a “Game Pass” from Sony.
What do you think of the results of our survey? Do you agree with the comments? And which PS Plus subscription will you choose when the time comes today? Tell us in the comment box below.
For shooter fans, we have already selected 5 highlights for you that you can play with the Extra and Premium subscriptions:
The 5 best multiplayer shooters in the new PS Plus “Game Pass” on PS4 & PS5