what do Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron propose on immigration?

In the spotlight the presidential election in France

Ten days before the second round of the French presidential election, RFI is looking at immigration in the programs of the candidates, the outgoing president Emmanuel Macron and the president of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen. The subject was little discussed during a campaign for the first round deafened by the war in Ukraine, even by the candidate of the RN of which it is however one of the hobbyhorses.

If the theme of immigration occupies less than a page in the Emmanuel Macron program, it occupies 46 in that of the candidate of the RN. Marine Le Pen proposes a radical change in the principles of hospitality. This would require a modification of the Constitution, so that the notion of ” national preference “. Priority to the French in access to housing, employment and social benefits.

Gone are the rights of the soil and the systematic acquisition of nationality in the event of marriage. L’access to the right of asylum, a basic human right, is also changing: applications will have to be made only in the countries of origin. Currently, a person can apply for asylum at the French consulate in their country of origin, upon entering French territory or once they have been admitted to French territory at the prefecture.

►Also read : The deputies approve in committee the limitation of the jus soli in Mayotte

Where the two candidates agree is on the desire to expel foreigners who disturb public order.

If not, Emmanuel Macron’s line is rather to toughen up certain measures: limiting access to long-term residence permits to those who can prove professional integration and a certain level of French.

The En Marche candidate also intends to speed up the procedures for examining applications for the right of residence or the right to asylum. A refusal will automatically be accompanied by a simplified eviction procedure.

For this, Emmanuel Macron intends to continue his policy of sanctions against States which refuse the return of their nationals. Returning a person in an irregular situation is not easy, recalled InfoMigrants especially if the latter does not have, no longer has – or has destroyed – her papers. First, from an administrative point of view, a person without nationality cannot be expelled. Her country of origin must recognize her and agree to take her back. This recognition is established through the issuance of a “consular pass” (LPC) or these documents are issued in dribs and drabs by the countries concerned.

►Read on Infomigrants : Presidential 2022: when candidates talk nonsense about immigration
