What creatures populate our abyss?

What creatures populate our abyss

The bottom of the sea is a place full of mysteries where the strangest beings on our planet live. Some even doubt that these creatures even exist, mainly because most of them seem to come straight out of a fictional movie. So, who are these animals that inhabit our abyss?

Abyssal creatures are beings that live at a certain depth in the ocean, specifically in areas abysmal, which are places where sunlight does not reach and where the pressure can reach 76 MPa. This deep part of the oceans is usually more than 4,000 meters deep, with very low temperatures.

These creatures survive in very harsh conditions, with hundreds of bars of pressure, small amounts of oxygen, very little food, no sunlight, and constant, extreme cold. The creatures that live in these regions have undergone adaptations over time.

Appearance of Abyssal Creatures

The beings abyssal generally have an elastic body, and a stomach expandable, capable of digesting beings that are twice their size. Many of these Pisces also have a bioluminescence to attract prey or launch lightning occasional, which helps to lighten the environment and have a light skeleton.

Scientists claim that many of these marine beings are still unknown to man. It is said that we know only 20% of the life forms of the oceans. Some live about five thousand meters deep, in cracks and rocks. However, from time to time, a new species emerges and teaches us more about this environment.

In general, the appearance of creatures abysmal is atypical. This is due to their adaptation physical to survive the harsh conditions of the inhospitable environments of the sea abysses, developing almost terrifying forms.

The reproduction of abyssal beings

Reproduction is another difficulty for these beings. Indeed, many do not have a developed vision, and the pressure of the oceans, although they are used to it, also complicates the task. Most of these creatures are hermaphroditesand when they cannot find a mate, they reproduce themselves.

What are these creatures?

Here are some examples of these creatures of the abyss:

the black devil

This fish became famous in the animated film Nemo and has a rather hostile appearance. Its poison is one of the deadliest that can be found among sea ​​creatures. He has in his head a kind of cane sin shiny that serves to attract its prey.

The hand fish

This fish has a rather special characteristic: it has arms and hands. They are found in the deep waters of Australia and are in danger of extinction.

sea ​​cucumber

An extremely dangerous creature that releases a toxin deadly and whose body is covered with thorns or thick skin.

The emperor shrimp

The emperor prawn is color orange with deep purple legs, the animal is less than 2cm long and acts like a parasiteespecially on the sea ​​cucumber.

The thick-billed shark

This rare species of shark has a mouth opening that extends all the way back to the line of the eyes and inside that huge mouth it has over 50 rows of teeth. Few prey resist it.

The box fish

This fish is completely square and when it feels threatened, it increases its size to scare away its predators. It has small legs which it uses to move around.

The ocean is huge and most of it has not been explored by man. This leads us to believe that there could be countless other creatures that have yet to be discovered.

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