What comes after Cataclysm Classic? Blizzard survey suggests a real “WoW Classic Plus”

A supposed survey by Blizzard is currently doing the rounds online, in which the developers of WoW Classic ask numerous questions about an upcoming nostalgic version of the MMORPG. Many of the answers could be an indication that they want to implement a frequently expressed wish of the community.

In recent years, the Blizzard developers have sent out surveys to selected World of Warcraft players several times to get feedback on possible variants of WoW Classic. We have Cataclysm Classic to thank for one such survey, for example, because many respondents voted in favor of implementing the Cataclysm expansion.

What is this new survey? A survey is now making the rounds on various social media (such as on X) and content channels (like here on YouTube), supposedly coming from Blizzard and supposed to contain questions about another version of WoW Classic.

Various question-answer combinations could be an indication that the Blizzard team wants to fulfill the wish for a real “WoW Classic Plus” variant that has been circulating in the community for many years – at least that is what part of the community now suspects.

With the Season of Discovery, Blizzard is daring to experiment a lot – this is what the interview shows:

WoW Classic: The devs for the Season of Discovery in an interview

More videos


WoW Classic, but in new

The idea behind “WoW Classic Plus” is to expand the original version of World of Warcraft after the final Naxxramas patch with new content that is specifically developed for WoW Classic. This could be old concepts that were never released in their original form, content from later add-ons in an adapted form, or fresh content that no one has on their radar.

Here are some of the features from the survey that Blizzard could imagine for a new version of WoW Classic:

  • New or previously unfinished stories and lore content.
  • New reputation factions and reputation rewards
  • New or newly released dungeons and raids
  • Bring new or later released classes to WoW Classic or new or later released class and race combinations
  • Minor class changes and regular balancing adjustments for all classes
  • Improved experience for new and returning players
  • New group events and event rewards
  • Guild Bank
  • Collections UI, quest log expansion and UI customization options
  • Dual talent distribution
  • Improved honor system for PvP
  • Improved social functions such as group search or the possibility of targeted guild search
  • Optimized flight routes for wind riders, boats and zeppelins
  • Improved inventory management
  • Implementation of flies and flight mounts
  • Providing summoning stones before instances
  • Providing the Chrono Amplification Displacer to store world buffs
  • Would you want to play a WoW Classic version that included all of these features?

    What does MeinMMO editor Karsten Scholz think about the survey? The structure of the survey and the type of questions are very reminiscent of previous Blizzard surveys on WoW Classic, so I think it’s entirely possible that the survey is genuine.

    At the same time, I don’t think Blizzard will actually implement the kind of “WoW Classic Plus” that many Classic fans have had in mind for years. In my recent interviews with Holly Longdale and other WoW officials, I was repeatedly told:

  • It’s virtually impossible to release the perfect “WoW Classic Plus” because every WoW fan has a different idea of ​​what that means. Every decision you make for such a version will alienate some fans.
  • With the experiments in the current Season of Discovery, Blizzard is already delivering a variant of “WoW Classic Plus” in which the vanilla experience is expanded with new content.
  • I believe Blizzard will continue down this path and experiment with new Classic seasons based on feedback from previous seasons and community survey responses.

    An important advantage of the seasons is that they run for a limited time. If an experiment fails, there is no permanent version of World of Warcraft that suffers. This is fitting that the current strategy is well received: “The smartest thing they could have done” – German story genius praises Season of Discovery, explains what makes it so good
