What causes toothache? What are natural remedies for toothache?

What causes toothache What are natural remedies for toothache

It is important for dental health not to disrupt the cleaning of the teeth and to stay away from harmful foods and drinks. Toothache can develop due to many reasons. To solve your toothache, you need to figure out why it hurts and apply treatment accordingly. If you are looking for natural solutions for your toothache, cures such as black pepper cure can provide effective results, but if you have a persistent toothache, you should definitely see a doctor.


  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth abscess caused by a bacterial infection in the center of the tooth
  • Tooth cracked or broken tooth
  • Damage to the dental filling
  • Tooth wear from repetitive motions such as chewing gum, clenching or rubbing together
  • gum infection
  • Tooth eruption from the gums, that is, tooth eruption
  • There is tooth extraction due to reasons such as wisdom teeth


Black pepper

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Black pepper is among the natural antibiotics. Powdered black pepper, mixed with a little honey and rubbed on the aching tooth, destroys the bacteria that cause toothache.


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Place the garlic on the painful tooth. It reduces pain as it has a bactericidal effect.


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Turmeric is first mixed with water and made into a toothpaste-like consistency. The resulting paste is put on the painful tooth. It reduces pain as it has an antiseptic effect.
