What causes jaundice (jaundice)?

What causes jaundice jaundice

Jaundice (or jaundice) is a yellow coloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes. It is often a sign of liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis). What other causes? The warning symptoms? In adults? The baby ? When to worry?

A jaundice (also called jaundice) is defined by whites of the eyes that turn yellow and yellowish skin. She translates a too much bilirubin (yellow colored pigment, resulting from the degradation of hemoglobin) in the blood, a sign of liver disease such as cirrhosis Where hepatitis for example. If you have ecru or yellow whites of the eye, or a slightly yellowish complexion, it is urgent to have a bilirubin blood test. Elevated bilirubin may reflect liver dysfunction. Which is the cause of jaundice ? What are suggestive symptoms ? At the‘adult ? the baby ? When to worry? How to cure it quickly? Explanations from our liver experts.

Definition: what is jaundice?

Jaundice or jaundice is a yellow discoloration of mucous membranes, skin and conjunctiva (white of the eye)“, explains Professor Victor de Lédinghen, hepatologist at the Bordeaux University Hospital, from the outset.During a liver problem: the liver shrinks and no longer functions normally, this is called liver failure. And when it operates at less than 50% capacity, it is no longer able to eliminate all the bilirubin (yellow pigment found in bile) which ends up accumulating in the blood, hence this coloring of the eyes and skin“, adds Professor Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist.

Diagram of jaundice © normaals – 123RF / Journal of Women’s Health

What causes jaundice in adults?

In adults, several causes can be at the origin of jaundice:

► One liver disease : hepatitis (sometimes drug or alcoholic hepatitis), liver cirrhosis

► The presence of gallstones

► A tumor in the liver or pancreas (jaundice conjugated bilirubin)

► A blockage of the flow of bile (obstruction of the bile duct…)

► The Gilbert’s disease, “which is actually not a disease but an enzymatic anomaly. It corresponds to the absence of an enzyme: this affects 10% of the population, can cause very temporary and unimportant episodes of jaundice“, adds Professor de Lédinghen (free bilirubin jaundice).

► One toxic reaction to a drug or a medicinal plant

What causes jaundice in babies?

Newborn babies can also have jaundice in the first weeks of life. It’s absolutely trivialsafe, and it heals on its own, possibly by putting them under UV raysexplains Professor de Lédinghen. In an absolutely exceptional way, jaundice can be linked to a genetic disease“. cholestatic jaundice is a form of jaundice in newborns: the liver is then not mature enough to eliminate bilirubin, hence its passage into the blood and an abnormally high rate.

What are the symptoms of jaundice?

During jaundice, we can observe:

  • a yellow color (main sign of jaundice) can affect the skin, the mucous membranes (the walls lining the internal part of certain organs) of the mouth or genitals and the conjunctiva, which corresponds to the white of the eye (conjunctival jaundice). This latter location is often the first to appearor even the only frankly visible one, especially in dark-skinned individuals.
  • fatigue and itching
  • a bad taste in the mouth that leads to food disgust
  • fever may be present
  • abdominal pain is possible

Is that bad ? Mortal ?

Jaundice is impressive but in most cases jaundice is not serious if managed properly. Among the (rare) complications related to a very high bilirubin level, there are:

  • Seizures
  • deafness
  • palsy of the brain
  • Developmental delay…

When to worry about jaundice?

You must first consult his general practitioner who, after making a complete diagnosis, will offer appropriate treatment or refer the patient to a liver specialist.

During the diagnosis, the doctor will first take a blood test to measure the level of bilirubin, explains Professor de Lédinghen. The rate is normally included between 0 and 17. When it reaches 30 or 40, it is primarily the eyes that turn yellow. The following examination, if jaundice is confirmed, is an abdominal ultrasound“, adds the hepatologist. It is this that will determine the main cause of jaundice: blockage of bile flow, or liver disease.

Is jaundice contagious?

Jaundice is not contagious as it is a symptom and not a disease.

Newborn jaundice can be treated with phototherapy. The baby, naked and with his eyes protected by goggles, is placed in a special incubator, under compact fluorescent tubes emitting blue light.

In adults, the treatment of jaundice is to treat its cause. “If there is an obstacle to the flow of bile, it will be necessary to remove it, and if it is a disease of the liver, it will be necessary to endeavor to identify and treat it. Until the cause is treated, the jaundice will not go away“, concludes Professor de Lédinghen

Thanks to Pr Victor de Lédinghen, hepatologist, Department of Hepato-Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology, Bordeaux University Hospital and Pr Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist.
