What causes fatty liver and how is it treated? Symptoms of fatty liver

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Fatty liver is a condition that should be taken into consideration as it can cause serious health problems. Treatment of fatty liver usually involves lifestyle changes. Creating a healthy nutrition plan, doing regular physical activity, limiting alcohol consumption and losing weight are important steps in reducing the risk of fatty liver. Additionally, in some cases, doctors may recommend treatment options such as certain medications or surgery.

What causes fatty liver?

Fatty liver is a condition characterized by the accumulation of abnormal amounts of fat in liver cells. Fatty liver can occur for many different reasons. The main cause of fatty liver is disruption of fat metabolism. This condition can be caused by a number of factors, such as excessive consumption of high-fat and sugary foods, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, insufficient physical activity, viral hepatitis, excessive alcohol consumption and some genetic factors.

Normally, there is some fat in the liver, but when fat accumulation becomes excessive, fatty liver occurs. Fatty liver usually does not cause any symptoms. However, some people may experience symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. Symptoms of fatty liver are as follows:

  • Pain in the upper right abdomen
  • Abdominal bloating, discomfort and feeling of fullness
  • changes in weight
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Skin changes (jaundice, spots)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itching
  • circulation problems

The most important step in the treatment of fatty liver is to eliminate the underlying cause. If you have a condition such as obesity or diabetes, it is important to lose weight or get your blood sugar under control. If you drink alcohol, you need to limit your alcohol intake or quit altogether. Here are some things you can do for the question of how to get rid of fatty liver:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Follow a healthy diet.
  • Stay away from sugary and processed foods.
  • Stay away from saturated fat and trans fats.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume whole grain products.
  • Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

This information is for informational purposes only. If you have a medical question, it is important to consult your doctor.
