What causes eye fatigue? How to relieve eye fatigue?

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Nowadays, with the proliferation of digital screens, many people interact with computers, smartphones and other electronic devices for long periods of time. This causes eye fatigue to become a common problem. Eye strain can be caused by factors such as focusing for long periods of time, working at close range, and exposure to blue light. In addition, aging, dry eyes, lack of sleep and genetic factors can also trigger eye fatigue. Eye fatigue can manifest itself with symptoms such as discomfort, redness, blurred vision and headache. However, there are many effective measures that can be taken to cope with these problems and protect eye health.

What causes eye fatigue?

Eye fatigue is a condition that usually occurs as a result of focusing for long periods of time, overuse of eye muscles, and exposure to various environmental factors. Other common causes of eye strain include:

  • Working in Close Range: Working closely for long periods of time in activities such as reading, using a computer, or doing manual labor can overstrain the eye muscles and cause fatigue.
  • Low Light Conditions: Insufficient lighting can cause increased effort on the eyes. This may increase eye fatigue.
  • Blue Light Exposure: Blue light emitted by digital screens and energy-saving light bulbs can increase eyestrain and affect sleep patterns.
  • Dry Eye: Dry eyes occur if the eye surface is not moist enough. This may increase eye fatigue.
  • Age Factor: With age, eye muscles can weaken and the lens can lose its flexibility. This can make it difficult to focus and contribute to eye fatigue.
  • Genetic Factors: Individuals with a family history of eye problems may be at greater risk due to genetic factors.

These factors can affect eye fatigue, but it is possible to alleviate and prevent this problem by taking conscious eye care and appropriate precautions.

What are the symptoms of eye fatigue?

Symptoms of eye fatigue usually occur after focusing on the same point for a long time or after intense visual activities. These symptoms indicate that the eyes need rest and relaxation. Eye fatigue can vary depending on many factors such as an individual’s lifestyle, work habits and environmental factors. Symptoms can often range from mild to severe and may manifest as:

  • Dry Eye: Eye fatigue is often associated with dry eyes. Symptoms such as burning, itching and redness in the eyes may be an indication of dry eyes.
  • Blurred Vision: Focusing for long periods of time or working at close range can cause eye muscles to fatigue, which can lead to blurry vision.
  • Headache: Eye fatigue may occur along with headache. Pressure or tension felt especially in the forehead area is a typical symptom of a headache.
  • Excessive Blinking: The person blinks more frequently in response to the reduced moisture levels of the eyes. This may be an indication of eye strain.
  • Photosensitivity: Eye strain can be associated with sensitivity to light. Working under bright lights or exposure to blue light can increase this sensitivity.
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain: Bending for long periods of time or poor posture can cause neck and shoulder pain along with eye strain.
  • Difficulty Focusing: Eye strain can lead to difficulty focusing on objects. Especially those who work in front of a screen for a long time may have difficulty focusing.

These symptoms are usually temporary and can be alleviated with appropriate precautions and rest. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to see an eye care professional.

What is good for eye fatigue?

It is important to take various simple but effective measures to relieve eye fatigue, protect and relieve your eye health. The following methods can be used to answer the question of how to relieve eye fatigue:

  • Eye Exercises: It may be beneficial to do regular eye exercises to strengthen the eye muscles and increase their flexibility. Simple exercises such as rolling your eyes in circular motions, changing focusing distance, and applying the 20-20-20 rule can relieve eye strain.
  • Taking Regular Breaks: If you work with a computer or other digital screens for long periods of time, it is important to rest your eyes by looking at a distant point for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. This can reduce excessive tension of the eye muscles.
  • Correct Lighting: Good lighting can help prevent eye strain. Be careful to use natural light in your work environment and keep the screen brightness at a level suitable for the environment. Excessively bright or low light can damage the eyes.
  • Limiting Screen Time: Long-term exposure from computer, phone or tablet screens can increase eye strain. Limiting screen time and taking regular breaks is important to protect eye health.
  • Eye Drops Usage: To cope with the symptoms of dry eyes, you can use eye drops with the advice of a doctor. These drops can moisturize and soothe the eyes.
  • Use of Glasses or Lenses: Existing eye defects can increase eye fatigue. If you need to use glasses or lenses, you should have regular eye examinations and use the appropriate prescription.

Applying these measures regularly can support your eye health and make your daily life more comfortable. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist.

What to do to strengthen eyes?

Strengthening the eyes includes a number of effective methods to protect eye health and improve eyesight. These methods range from regular eye exercises to proper nutrition.

  • Exposure to Natural Light: Sunlight is an important factor for eye health. Exposure to natural light can strengthen eye muscles and improve vision quality. Being outside at regular intervals is a method that stimulates and rests the eyes.
  • Proper Nutrition: Healthy nutrition has a positive effect on eye health. Foods containing vitamins A, C, E, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids can support eye health. Foods such as carrots, spinach, fish and walnuts contain these nutrients that are beneficial for the eyes.
  • Regular Eye Exams: It is important to have regular eye examinations to maintain eye health and diagnose existing problems early, if any. These examinations evaluate eye examination, intraocular pressure measurement, and other factors related to eye health.
  • Book Reading Habit: Reading books can strengthen eye muscles by directing the eyes to different focal lengths. Developing the habit of reading books is an effective method to protect eyesight.

Applying these methods regularly can strengthen eye health and improve eyesight. However, if there is a significant vision problem or discomfort, it is important to see an ophthalmologist.

How long does eye strain last?

The duration of eye fatigue varies depending on many factors and may differ from individual to individual. Generally, eye strain is a temporary condition and can be alleviated when appropriate precautions are taken or periods of rest are provided. For example, eye fatigue that occurs after using a computer for a long time, reading a book, or working at close range varies depending on the person’s lifestyle, eye health, general health status, and how long they are engaged in these activities.

In some cases, eye fatigue may disappear within a few hours, while in other cases it may last several days. However, if eye fatigue becomes persistent or the symptoms become chronic, this may be a sign of another underlying problem. Therefore, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist. A professional evaluation can help protect your eye health and provide long-term solutions to eye strain.
