What causes dandruff, how does it go away? How to prevent dandruff in hair?

Dandruff in the hair is a common scalp problem faced by many people and can be aesthetically and health-consciously disturbing. The appearance of dandruff occurs as a result of the deterioration of the natural balance of the scalp and manifests itself as white or yellow, scaly rashes. This problem, which is usually associated with factors such as seborrheic dermatitis, dry skin, fungal infections or stress, occurs when skin cells form and shed rapidly. Dandruff may come with irritating symptoms such as itching, redness and hair loss, but luckily it does not cause serious health problems. Fortunately, modern medicine and the cosmetic industry offer effective treatments for dandruff.

What causes dandruff?

Dandruff is a common problem on the scalp that occurs as a result of the deterioration of the natural balance of the scalp. Dandruff in the hair usually manifests as small, scaly patches of white or yellowish color. This occurs because the skin cells on the scalp are formed and shed faster than normal.

The main cause of dandruff is an increase in Malassezia furfur, a type of fungus found on the scalp. This fungus is naturally found on the scalp and usually does not cause any skin problems. However, in some cases, the overgrowth of the fungus causes irritation of the scalp and rapid skin cell formation, causing dandruff. The causes of dandruff can be:

  • Increase of Malassezia furfur fungus: Excess growth of this fungus on the scalp causes dandruff.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: This skin condition, which causes redness, itching and flaking on the scalp, can trigger the problem of dandruff.
  • Dry skin: Insufficient hydration and drying of the skin can cause skin cells to shed faster, which can contribute to the formation of dandruff.
  • Hair care products: Some hair care products may cause skin irritation, which may predispose to the appearance of dandruff.
  • Stress and anxiety: Intense stress and anxiety can contribute to the problem of dandruff.
  • Nutrition habits: Unhealthy diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can trigger the formation of dandruff.

Dandruff is a common condition that can occur in many people. Fortunately, many effective treatments and measures are available to deal with this problem. In order to get rid of dandruff and achieve healthy hair, appropriate treatment and care methods should be determined according to the person’s lifestyle and the cause of dandruff.

How does dandruff go?

There are a number of effective treatments and natural home remedies to deal with dandruff. The first step should be to seek help from a dermatologist or a hair specialist to make the correct diagnosis of the cause of dandruff. In this way, it becomes easier to get rid of dandruff by determining the appropriate treatment plan. Here are some effective methods that can be used in response to the question of what is good for dandruff:

  • Medical Shampoos: Medical shampoos with antifungal content that prevent the growth of fungus on the scalp should be used regularly. Shampoos containing zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, selensulfide, or salicylic acid are common options for treating dandruff.
  • Natural Oils: Natural oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, or tea tree oil can help treat dandruff. These oils, which are applied by massaging the scalp, can reduce the formation of dandruff and moisturize the scalp.
  • Scalp Peeling: Special scalp peels can gently remove dead skin cells and dandruff, allowing the scalp to breathe.
  • Regular Hair Wash: Washing hair regularly can help remove oil and dirt accumulated on the scalp. However, excessively frequent hair washing can dry out the skin and increase dandruff formation, so washing a few times a week will be sufficient.
  • Diet: A healthy and balanced diet can help reduce dandruff. It is especially important to consume foods containing B vitamins, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

An important point to remember is that dandruff may not go away with a one-time treatment. Being patient during the treatment process and applying it regularly contributes to more effective results. It is important for people who encounter dandruff problem to apply treatment methods under the guidance of a specialist doctor and to pay attention to hair care in order to reduce the problem of dandruff and maintain a healthy balance on the scalp.

How to prevent dandruff in hair?

The problem of dandruff in the hair is caused by the rapid formation and shedding of skin cells and is an uncomfortable situation that many people face. Measures to prevent dandruff can be achieved with regular and correct hair care and lifestyle changes.

The first step includes regular hair washing and choosing suitable shampoos to have a healthy scalp. Antifungal shampoos can provide an effective fight against dandruff problem. In addition, using natural oils or scalp moisturizers that moisturize the scalp can reduce the occurrence of dandruff by preventing the skin from drying out. Avoiding chemical treatments that damage the hair and scalp, getting regular haircuts, and combing the hair with appropriate combs and brushes also play an important role in preventing dandruff. A healthy diet and avoiding stress also positively affect scalp health and help prevent dandruff formation.

Regular and conscious hair care and taking care of healthy living habits for the prevention of dandruff are the keys to having healthy and shiny hair.

İbrahim Saraçoğlu herbal recipe that is good for dandruff

According to İbrahim Saraçoğlu, nettle can reduce dandruff by supporting scalp health. Stinging nettle has nourishing and regenerating effects on the scalp thanks to the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants it contains. Nettle herbal recipe is usually in the form of stinging nettle juice or applying nettle oil to the scalp. When stinging nettle juice is applied by massaging the scalp, it revitalizes skin cells and can help prevent dandruff formation. Stinging nettle oil moisturizes the scalp, reduces dryness and alleviates dandruff. When this herbal treatment method is used regularly, it can improve scalp health and provide shine and vitality to the hair.

How to remove dandruff and itching in hair?

Dandruff and itching in the hair is an uncomfortable condition that many people face. Dandruff appears in the hair as white or yellowish scales as a result of the rapid formation and shedding of skin cells on the scalp. The itching brought about by this condition, combined with discomfort and social self-confidence, can negatively affect quality of life. Fortunately, there are several effective remedies and natural home remedies for dandruff and itching.

The first step is to consult a dermatologist or a hair specialist to determine the cause of dandruff and itching. After the correct diagnosis, it will be easier to overcome the problem by determining the appropriate treatment plan. This treatment plan may often include the use of medical shampoos with antifungal ingredients. Shampoos that inhibit the growth of fungus on the scalp can reduce dandruff and relieve itching with regular use.

At-home methods such as scalp scrubs or natural oils can also help relieve dandruff and itching. Especially natural oils such as coconut oil, almond oil or tea tree oil can help moisturize and soothe the scalp. It is possible to reduce the problem of dandruff and itching with regular and correct applications in hair care. However, if the symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to consult a specialist doctor.

Which vitamin deficiency is caused by dandruff in hair?

There may be many factors underlying the problem of dandruff in the hair, and vitamin deficiency is one of these factors. B vitamins, especially B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), and B12 (cobalamin), are critical for hair and scalp health. These vitamins help strengthen hair follicles and regenerate skin cells in a healthy way. In case of its deficiency, the scalp may dry out, skin cells may form and shed rapidly, and dandruff formation may increase. In addition, the lack of other nutrients such as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids can negatively affect the health of the scalp and contribute to the formation of dandruff.

Following a balanced and nutritious diet to prevent or reduce the problem of dandruff in the hair can support hair and scalp health thanks to the B vitamins and other important nutrients it contains. Regular consumption of foods containing B vitamins and zinc, such as green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts, almonds, fish, lentils and dairy products, can help prevent dandruff formation. However, if dandruff persists or worsens, it is important to consult a specialist health care professional and get the necessary tests done so that vitamin deficiencies and other potential causes can be identified and appropriate treatment methods can be determined.

How to remove dandruff from hair?

Dandruff stuck to the scalp can cause an unpleasant appearance and itching and can negatively affect the health of the hair. There are some effective methods to treat this condition and get rid of dandruff. It may be helpful to first apply natural oils to the scalp and hair to loosen adhered dandruff. Especially natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil moisturize the scalp and help remove dandruff more easily. Applying the oil by massaging the scalp and keeping it on the hair for a few hours, then washing it with shampoo can give effective results.

It is also an effective method to apply a scalp peeling to remove dandruff from the scalp afterwards. Scalp peelings gently remove dead skin cells and dandruff, allowing the scalp to breathe and helping to shed dandruff. Natural peeling mixes prepared at home can be made using ingredients such as oatmeal, sugar, olive oil or lemon juice. Peeling can be done once or twice a week, and when used regularly, it can help the scalp and hair look healthier.

In cases where dandruff is stuck, it is possible to overcome this problem with a patient and regular maintenance process. However, if dandruff becomes severe or if treated dandruff reappears, it is important to seek support from a dermatologist or hair specialist.
