what Barnier wants to say to the Assembly this Tuesday

what Barnier wants to say to the Assembly this Tuesday

Almost a month after his appointment to Matignon, Michel Barnier is expected before the deputies on Tuesday. He must deliver his general policy declaration.

The exercise is far from easy. In these troubled times in politics, to say the least, the one who was appointed Prime Minister two months after the legislative elections which shook the country at the beginning of the summer is expected this Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at the National Assembly. Designated to take over from Gabriel Attal at Matignon on September 5, the former Brexit negotiator knows it, the left hates him and accuses him of having stolen Matignon from them, the presidential camp is not very happy with his arrival in power and the far right is watching him very (very) closely. A perilous situation to say the least. This is evidenced by its government. Under the Fifth Republic, never had a Prime Minister taken so long to reveal its composition.

The political situation is therefore serious. The economic situation is just as bad. Michel Barnier will therefore have to weigh his words on Tuesday when he gives his long-awaited general policy speech in front of an Assembly, moreover, without a majority. Unsurprisingly, his entourage has already made it known that Michel Barnier will not seek a vote of confidence following his speech to the deputies, revealed this Monday Europe 1. This option, which is in no way obligatory, looked daring to say the least for a Prime Minister who could in no way count on an absolute majority. And even dangerous since in the event of disapproval of its program, the government would have been forced to… resign.

Because that’s what this Tuesday will be about. The Prime Minister will first of all develop in his speech the broad outlines of his program. While demonstrations are organized all day long to demand the repeal of the pension reform or even an increase in salaries, Michel Barnier will advance at the stroke of 3 p.m. in the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon to present his sheet of road for the coming months. The objectives of the new government, but also the reforms it wishes to carry out will be revealed. While the Prime Minister will also have to establish his authority and try to impose a timetable, in recent days, the Macron camp has particularly insisted on its lack of support in the event of a tax increase, while the far right is impatiently awaiting its objectives. in terms of immigration and security. Clans that will therefore have to be convinced, because as far as the New Popular Front is concerned, the matter is already done: a motion of censure will be tabled in the coming days!
