What are these vagina candies, touted by Kourtney Kardashian?

What are these vagina candies touted by Kourtney Kardashian

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    In an ad posted on Instagram, Kourtney Kardashian praises the merits of a pineapple candy, supposed to be able to give the sweet taste of the fruit to the vaginas of those who take it. What is it really? The explanations of Odile Bagot, gynecologist member of the committee of experts of Doctissimo.

    Kourtney Kardashian is the face of a candy ad, but not just any candy. In an ad posted on Instagram, we see her lying on the ground, surrounded by cats, then eating a yellow candy, a gummy.

    What are gummies?

    Gelatin-based candies, gummies are gummies, a kind of jelly candy that makes it easier to take food supplements, especially for the hair. This time, the principle is the same: Koutney Kardashian markets this candy, but boasting a particular virtue: it would be able to give a “fruity and sweet taste to the vagina” of the one who will consume it.

    A candy to “target vaginal health”?

    In the post, the remarks go even further because the candy in question would have been designed to “target vaginal health and pH levels that promote freshness and flavor”. The caption accompanying the product video explains: “Introducing Lemme Purr: our new vaginal health gum! Vaginal health is such an important part of a woman’s well-being (and we don’t talk about it enough), which is why we’re so excited to launch this product! Give your vagina the sweet pleasure it deserves (and turn it into a sweet pleasure). You know what they say… you are what you eat?”.

    Outraged doctors

    In the comments following the publication, many doctors are indignant. Gynecologist Jen Gunter, author of the bestselling The Vagina Bible called out Kourtney on Instagram. “Anyone who suggests your vagina isn’t fresh or needs a better taste is a misogynistic and awful person.” she wrote. “And yes, that includes you @kourtneykardash and your brand @lemme.”

    Dr Maddy Dann, who talks about sexual health regularly on TikTok explains that he “There is no impure vagina, the vagina cleans itself. What this product suggests is that every woman should taste the same, smell the same, have the same vagina, or have the same discharge – and that’s just not realistic.”.

    This is not the only candy marketed by the eldest of the Kardashian sisters. His Lemme site offers others for “sleeping better” or “to digest better”. Products not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as indicated at the bottom of the page, on the site. Are we close to a scam for this vaginal candy?

    The opinion of Odile Bagot, gynecologist member of the Doctissimo expert committee

    The vagina is self-cleaning and presents a balance through its flora and its secretions. What is touted here is that a candy could modify vaginal secretions, and affect their pH in particular. But it’s impossible ! They will never smell like pineapple. The only food that can possibly affect the pH of cervical mucus is Vichy water. Some women are sometimes recommended to drink a lot of it, to alkalize their vagina, during certain fertility problems. But otherwise nothing else! On the other hand, these candies would contain probiotics but difficult to know which ones exactly. For more security, if you need to take a probiotic, it is better to turn to a pharmacist, who will be able to advise you” concludes the gynecologist.
