What are these new “express fines” that could arrive in France?

What are these new express fines that could arrive in

Spain has just changed its device to pay the fines. France may well be inspired by it.

How long did you wait before receiving the fine the last time you were flashed for not having respected the speed limitations? In France, for an excess speed recorded by an automatic radar, the notice of ticket is generally sent between 30 and 45 days after the offense. It is long enough to hope to have passed between the mesh of the net. It sometimes even happens that we forget his fault committed on the road, which accentuates the unpleasant surprise upon receipt of the mail. In Spain, this period was still higher ago, estimated at 52 days on average.

Disstabrication of the slowness of the administrative machine, the General Directorate of Spanish traffic (DGT) made a decision to drastically reduce this expectation. It has set up a new device called “Multa Exprée”, understand in French “Fine Express”. What is it? It is a system that allows guilty drivers of a road offense to receive the minutes in a dematerialized manner. Rather than having to send a mail by post, the DGT, through an electronic mailbox, can send notifications, by emails or SMS, to motorists. Of several weeks, the time to receive PV in Spain has switched to … 48 hours!

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However, all motorists are not affected. To be able to quickly receive the DGT tickets, you must first register on the website of the electronic circulation department (DEV). Spanish drivers are asked to choose during registration if they want to be informed by receiving an email or a text. Once in the database, no more contraventions by post, it is only in a dematerialized manner and within a maximum of 48 hours that they will receive and can pay their fines.

This new system illustrates the will of the Spanish authorities to strengthen road safety measures and promote more responsible driving among road users. The DGT hopes to strengthen the educational character of fines. In France also the situation has recently changed. While it was impossible a few months ago, motorists can now receive a contravention by email, provided they have recorded their email address in the vehicle registration system (SIV) of France titles, the new name of the National Agency for Secure Titles (ANTS).

But unlike the “fine express” in Spain, the PV is also sent by mail. A little or much later.
