What are the symptoms of pregnancy? When do pregnancy symptoms begin?

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Pregnancy is the development of a fetus in a woman’s womb and usually lasts 40 weeks. This process consists of 3 main periods (trimes) and each period includes different changes and developments for both the mother and the baby. During pregnancy, physiological, emotional and psychological changes can occur.

The first trimester begins at fertilization and lasts until the 13th week. During this period, the embryo develops rapidly and the foundations of the organs are laid. The second trimester is generally considered the most comfortable period of pregnancy. The difficulties of the first trimester usually ease and energy levels increase. The third trimester is the period of preparation for birth. The baby gains weight rapidly and begins to position for birth.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, symptoms such as hormonal changes, fatigue, nausea and abdominal growth may occur. Early pregnancy symptoms include:

  • A missed period usually occurs 10 to 14 days after fertilization.
  • Pregnancy hormones can cause fatigue in the first few weeks after conception.
  • Morning sickness is a common pregnancy symptom that affects up to 50% of pregnant women. It usually begins in the morning and can last throughout the day.
  • Pregnancy hormones can cause breasts to become swollen and tender in the first few weeks after conception.
  • Pregnancy hormones cause the kidneys to produce more fluid, which can lead to more frequent urination in the first few weeks after becoming pregnant.
  • Pregnancy hormones can slow down digestion, causing constipation in the first few weeks after pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy hormones can cause headaches in the first few weeks after conception.
  • Pregnancy hormones can cause mood swings in the first few weeks after conception.
  • Some women may crave certain foods while avoiding other foods in the first few weeks after becoming pregnant.

When do pregnancy symptoms start?

Pregnancy symptoms can start a few days or weeks after the egg is fertilized. Unfortunately, it is not possible to say for sure when the earliest pregnancy symptoms will appear. In terms of when the pregnancy will be most obvious, it is recommended that you take a test on the first day after your period is late. The earliest way to find out if you are pregnant using a home pregnancy test is the first day after your period is late. Pregnancy tests are usually accurate. If you think you are pregnant, it is important to see your doctor and confirm your pregnancy.
