What are the symptoms of liver failure? How is liver failure understood?

The liver is located in the upper right part of our abdomen and contributes to the body’s detoxification process by cleaning toxins from the blood; it also produces bile. Today, increasing inactivity and high-calorie eating habits are rapidly spreading fatty liver. This disease, which is the biggest cause of liver failure requiring organ transplantation in children and individuals under the age of 40, has become a serious health problem that threatens one in every four people in our country.

What is liver failure?

Liver failure is a serious condition that usually occurs when a large portion of the liver is damaged irreversibly, rendering the organ unable to perform its basic functions. This condition is often life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Liver failure usually develops over a long period of time, when the liver gradually deteriorates; this is called “chronic liver failure.”

Less commonly, a person with no preexisting liver disease may develop liver failure rapidly, over days or weeks; this condition is called “acute liver failure.” That is, individuals of all ages can develop liver disease or liver failure.

What are the symptoms of liver failure?

Symptoms of liver failure that may be seen in the initial stages include:

  • Persistent nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Bleeding from the anus
  • General weakness
  • Pain in the upper right abdomen
  • Weight loss
  • Irregularity in menstrual cycle in women
  • Gynecomastia (excessive breast enlargement) in men

How is liver failure diagnosed?

Liver failure may not initially show any obvious symptoms. As the disease progresses, serious problems such as stomach bleeding and spleen enlargement may occur. When symptoms are noticed, it is important to consult an internist or gastroenterologist. These specialists will take the necessary steps to manage the correct diagnosis and treatment process.

How is liver failure treated?

In the treatment of liver failure, if the liver has not yet suffered irreversible damage, it is possible to stabilize the condition with intensive medical intervention and give the liver a chance to recover. This process can allow the liver to heal and return to full health. However, in cases of chronic liver damage or acute failure that does not heal, the only effective solution is liver transplantation.

What is good for liver failure?

In terms of nutrition, it is stated that vegetable dishes cooked with olive oil and coffee consumption provide liver-supporting effects.
