What are the symptoms of DID dissociative disorder?

What are the symptoms of DID dissociative disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID characterizes a person whose childhood trauma caused a dispersion of their personality. Different “alters” take turns taking control.

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is manifested by the presence of two or multiple identities.DID is a disorder that we hear a lot about but should not be taken lightly. It triggers in childhood in case of sexual, physical or psychological trauma immediately recalls Dr Béatrice Millêtre, psychologist. The TDI differs from the schizophrenia. The Youtuber Olympus and suffering from DID announced on instagram his will to die, his situation being too hard to bear. “The last quarter of 2023 I will use assisted suicide in Belgium“said the 23-year-old woman. What are the symptoms dissociative identity disorder? How do you know if you have TDI? Is there a test ? Can DID be cured?

What is the meaning of TDI?

TDI is short for dissociative identity disorder.

What is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)?

“The TDI, formerly called multiple personality disorderis a psychological disorder that designates an individual with several different identities and of which he is unaware. Dissociative identity disorder is a fracture in consciousness in the sense of discontinuity. says Dr. Millêtre. The patient with DID suffers from blackouts when the other identity or identities, the “others”, take control of his most present personality, unbeknownst to him. People tell him what he said and/or did and the person has no memory of it. It is not linked to a memory disorder but to a interruption of consciousness” underlines the psychologist. It looks like a post-traumatic stress disorder/disorder. THE DID causes social, emotional and professional suffering of the patient“explains our interlocutor.

TDI is linked to multiple childhood traumas (sexual, physical, emotional, psychological). “The child, when he is the victim of abuse, “goes away” and gives way to “another him” to bear the trauma“says Dr. Millêtre. It is a mechanism of protection. “Childhood is the period during which one is supposed to unify one’s personality. However, thethe child is no longer able to put together his “pieces” of identities and cannot unify into a personality distinct” develops our expert. These pieces will interact and create a TDI that is to say several versions of the individual unrelated. Once an adult, it is not known what triggers the appearance of the different identitiesnotes the psychologist.

What are the symptoms of DID?

The patient with DID has a rambling personality since depending on the Quirk present, he alternates between different character and personality types. For example, an introverted person begins to become extroverted. “TDI causes loss of consciousness and memory lapses. Most people with DID suffer from depression and anxiety. They will tend to develop risky behavior : substance abuse (alcohol, drugs etc), suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation, risky sexual practices, social disorganization…” says Dr. Millêtre.

The TDI is always diagnosed in adulthood. Patients never come for DID but for symptoms such as memory problems, social phobia, generalized anxiety, substance abuse… and the doctor identifies DID by a clinical diagnosissays the psychologist.

The first step is to secure the patient

What are the treatments for DID?

The TDI can be treated but it is a work of several years. The treatment requires several phases:

► DID is a trauma related to a danger encountered in childhood (abuse). The first step is therefore to secure the patient (physically and psychologically) in order to stabilize him. “Some people with DID stop at the first stage and will be able to live more or less normally with their alters. says Dr. Millêtre.

► Once stabilized, we focus on the trauma management. You have to come back to it and “treat” it. Some patients cannot reach this stage, the trauma being too painful to relive.

► Finally, the fusion and reconnection phase intended to unite all personalities into one person who just has different facets.

long term therapy is indicated to treat DID. “Studies have shown that hypnosis could also have a role depending on the patient’s profile. EMDR (therapy that involves healing trauma and painful events through right-to-left eye movements) may also be a tool for treating DID.” develops our expert. Medication (anxiolytics, antidepressants) will not cure DID but will help to manage your events (pain, anxiety, stress etc). “couple or family therapy can help those around you to understand this mental disorder” emphasizes our interlocutor.

What is the difference with schizophrenia?

“DID has nothing to do with schizophrenia which is a neurophysiological disorder answers the psychologist. The schizophrenic patient hears voices and is prone to paranoia. Bipolarity also differs from TDI since it generates an alternation of euphoric and depressive episodes. “DID is not a neurological disorder but a mental disorder caused by childhood trauma reminds our expert in conclusion.

Thanks to Dr. Béatrice Millêtre, doctor in psychology.
