What are the qualities sought in a spouse? See what a great sex place they prefer

What are the qualities sought in a spouse See what

As a result of a survey conducted in England, a partner who keeps the bathroom clean rather than good sex was preferred. Overall, more than two-thirds of the country felt that a partner with a dirty bathroom would spoil the relationship. Although the majority wanted their partner to be hygienic, it turned out that they did not sufficiently meet the high standard of cleanliness.


The UK Bathroom Habits Survey, conducted by Wilkinson Sword, asked 500 couples across the UK about standards of personal hygiene and care, as well as housekeeping and what they look for in a partner.

While only 34% of men state that they cut their nails regularly, this rate is 53% for women. However, 66% of women don’t tidy up after body shaving, while 53% of men don’t.


Only two out of five men wash their genitals every day, with just over half (51%) brushing their teeth twice a day.

About half of people don’t shower every day, although men do slightly more than women at 52% and 46%, respectively. The British, who seem to care about bathroom hygiene instead of great sex, do not show the necessary attention to their own hygiene.

While neither is perfect, women are generally found to be cleaner than men in this area. For example, only 37% of men change their bath towel once a week, while 59% of women have a clean towel. And only 29% of men replace their toothbrushes every three or four months (dentist-recommended), while 48% of women change them regularly.
