What are the Points to Consider While Buying an SSD?

What are the Points to Consider While Buying an SSD

Today we will talk about what to consider when buying an SSD. First of all, let’s learn what SSD is; Today, with the development of technology, SSDs quickly replaced the hard disks used in the past to store data. SSD is defined as a name given to devices used to store data today.

What Should We Consider When Buying an SSD?

SSDs are quieter, lighter and faster than HDDs and are therefore preferred. Of course, technology cannot be avoided. SSD models are constantly evolving. on the market for a long time SATA II hard disk we use 3Gbps working with the interface.

  • The first thing to consider is whether your computer is compatible with the SSD. SSDs in general 2.5 inch they have size. If you do not know whether your laptop is compatible or not, read the user manual. If it shows 3.5 inches in the user manual, you can get help from the adapters developed for this. 2.5 inch SSD 3.5 inch You can buy adapters that allow you to plug them into sockets online.
  • The second thing to pay attention to is the performance criterion. Although SSD memories are faster than HDD memories, there are also speed differences between them. One of two SSD memories with the same capacity 180MB/s one has write speed while another It can reach speeds of 500 MB/second.
  • The third thing to consider is capacity. The capacity of the SSD memory you will use affects the performance of your computer. In addition, since there is no mechanical writing process in SSD memories like HDD memories, if the occupancy rate of your SSD memory increases, the write and read speeds will decrease. The reason for this is the documents called garbage files that remain after your deletion on the SSD memory side. If you want to use your SSD with full performance, check the occupancy rate. 80-85% Don’t let it go above .1 or opt for larger capacity SSDs.
  • Lastly, SSD memory has a shorter lifetime than HDD memory. While SSDs process faster, they also consume their life faster. If you are someone who constantly writes and deletes large data, SSD is not the place to do this. HDD Prefer memory. how much GB If there is an input output, it will shorten the SSD life.

Advantages of Using SDD

  • Your computer starts up faster and shuts down faster
  • 5x faster read and write than the fastest hard disk
  • Up to 28x better performance than a regular HDD
  • Faster random access time
  • Extremely low access time
  • low power consumption
  • They get less hot
  • They work cool and quiet
  • Greater physical reliability
  • It is resistant to impacts as there are no mechanical parts
  • No need for disk defragmentation thanks to TRIM feature
  • Smaller size and lighter

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