what are the next steps for the transition after the return of Succès Masra?

Congolese mediation obtains an agreement for the return of opponent

On Friday, the opponent Succès Masra returned to N’Djamena after weeks of negotiations and an agreement with the authorities. The text thus underlines the need to continue towards the inclusiveness of the process. Because while a constitutional referendum is looming in mid-December and elections next year to conclude the transition, not all Chadian stakeholders are yet satisfied with its progress. Can they join it and make deals with the authorities themselves?

2 mins

Crowned with the symbolic success represented by the return of Succès Masra, the Congolese facilitation should try to obtain new progress. At the end of his audience with transitional president Mahamat Idriss Déby, Felix Tshisekedi’s special envoy, Didier Mazenga, launched ” the message to those who hesitate, to be able to join the process “. The Congolese president would be ready to receive them to conclude new agreements.

Read alsoChad: Opponent Succès Masra returns after a year of exile

For several organizations, the Kinshasa agreement only concerns the Transformateurs de Succès Masra party, and not other groups which until then have kept themselves away from the transition. The Wakit Tama platform thus deplores a “ crumbling of negotiations » and wishes a “ global agreement “. She believes that the authorities must take the initiative of a “ new dialogue “. Its coordinator Max Loanlgar, out of the country since “Black Thursday”, says to himself “ expectantly “. He judges that the “ conditions are not met to return to Chad. »

In N’Djamena, those who question the impartiality of the facilitation, such as the opponent Yaya Dillo or the Chadian League for Human Rights, have not changed their position, and criticize the prospect of a law amnesty.

Finally, there remain the armed groups non-signatories of the Doha agreement. New discussions are hoped for via the Sant’Egidion Catholic community, whose efforts have so far not led to significant progress.

Read alsoChad: junta signs agreement with rebels in Doha for national dialogue
