What are the new criteria for parents for Christmas shopping?

What are the new criteria for parents for Christmas shopping

This year for Christmas, the intentions of families are changing and new criteria are taken into consideration by parents for the purchase of gifts. What type of purchase will they favor? The Approved by Families barometer reveals trends.

Christmas 2022 will probably not have the same flavor as previous years. Of new concerns and of new issues bother families this year. The recent barometer of the benchmark Approved by Families, carried out by the Generations & Co Institute between September and October 2022, questioned no less than 890 parents to find out their purchase intentions as the end of the year festivities approach. And one of the first findings brought to light shows that the budget for Christmas gifts will be lower compared to 2021. He will be the “reflection of economic news”which has strained the budgets of many households in recent months. On average, families plan to pay 132 euros per child, compared to 148 euros in 2021. This 10% drop will undeniably have an impact on the number of gifts, for 62.9% of parents surveyed, but also on the choice of gifts.

New criteria for buying gifts

Parents intend to be more careful with their purchases of Christmas taking into account new criteria, such as eco-responsible dimension for 1 in 2 parents. Thus, 18.8% of them will bet on second-hand gifts and 18.3% for less expensive presents. As to kind of toys, another factor usually, the choice will fall above all to the children. They will decide themselves what they wish to have as gifts “73.9% of parents said their child will get what they want, even if it’s a ‘girl’ toy for a boy or a ‘boy’ toy for a girl…and vice versa!”, indicates one of the results of the study.

Christmas 2022 placed under the sign of savings?

Sobriety at Christmas, all expenses combined? The dilemma arises for families. 47.8% intend to moderate their consumption because of various “forced or voluntary” factors. Which ? A particularly tense economic situation for 64.6% of them, children already far too spoiled for 44.6% and because their environmental awareness is no longer the same today for 39.3%. In total of the parents questioned, only 4.1% have the will to mark a real break this year. While 48.1% want to live a Christmas that could not be more “normal”.

Children, models of parents

These changes in buying behavior and mentalities observed in parents are due to children and adults are fully aware of it. “43.6% believe that their children have an environmental conscience which influences their purchasing behavior and influences their purchases.” More generally, just over 27% of cherubim seek concerted changes within the family, and 14% question the lifestyle of adults.
