What are the Loops, these earplugs touted on social networks, worth? Our expert’s opinion

What are the Loops these earplugs touted on social networks

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    Amine Harichane (Pediatric ENT and Head and Neck Surgeon)

    You may have heard of Loops, these circular earplugs that look like gold jewelry. Are they effective in protecting the ears? Here is the point of view of Dr Amine Harichane, pediatric ENT surgeon attached to Necker hospital.

    Music festival, concerts, festivals… The period is rich in cultural events. And who says music, says earplugs, because it is essential to protect them during these pleasant, but very noisy evenings. For this, the Loop brand, widely promoted on social networks, offers its earplugs.

    Trendy, colorful and resembling little jewels, are they effective in preserving your hearing? Doctissimo interviewed Dr Amine Harichane, pediatric ENT surgeon at Necker hospital, to find out.

    Trendy and flashy earplugs, but not scientifically studied

    The Loops are therefore pretty earplugs. Can we say that they effectively prevent noise-related risks? “These earplugs have not been scientifically studied so that their effectiveness can be judged” first explains Dr. Amine Haricane.

    In addition, they are produced in China, so from an ecological point of view, it is not the product that I would recommend as a first choice.” The lack of perspective on the brand, which has only existed for a few years, makes the specialist reluctant to recommend these earplugs for protection during concerts or musical events.

    Which earplugs should you choose?

    According to Amine Haricane, the brand has implemented aggressive marketing, which allows it to be present on social networks and to popularize its product. “This is why young people are wearing them more and more during concerts.” estimates the doctor. “VSThis is not a bad thing, but I would rather recommend equipping yourself with well-known European brands whose devices are approved and approved. Like the Alpine brand for example, used by Formula 1 drivers or musicians.”

    For this, it is better to go to a hearing care professional, who will be able to advise you on the best model at the best price. According to our expert, it is possible to equip yourself correctly for around twenty euros.

    What are the rules to follow to protect your hearing?

    Finally, we asked Dr Haricane to remind you of the rules for preventing hearing loss when attending a noisy event, whether a concert, a wedding or other. For the specialist, it must first of all be remembered that “we are born with our own hearing capital, which must be preserved at all costs“In fact, hearing cells do not renew themselves and too loud a sound can destroy them.

    For Amine Haricane, it is essential:

    • To protect your ears with filtering plugs, which allow you to hear faint sounds and conversations, but protect your ears from loud sounds;
    • To move away from loud speakers and sources of noise;
    • Don’t forget to protect children by not exposing them to noise, because even noise-cancelling headphones will not be enough to protect their fragile hearing.

    8 ear noises and their meanings

    Slide: 8 ear noises and their meanings
