What are the effects of the full moon on the body?

What are the effects of the full moon on the

The 2021 Moon Guide

“The Moon acts on all liquids, and therefore on those circulating in our body through the circulatory, lymphatic, digestive and urinary systems. All organs are sensitive to the Moon, even the brain!”, explains Paul Ferris. During the Full Moon, appetite is usually less. It is for this reason that many people decide to lose weight at this time.

Many women report that their menstrual cycle is synchronized with the Moon. Others complain of menstruation more painful at the time of the Full Moon. If no correlation between lunar cycles and menstrual cycles could be demonstrated scientifically, Paul Ferris tells us that “the female menstrual cycle corresponds to a lunar month. The irregularity of the cycle comes from the lifestyle of each woman (children, work, stress, fatigue). It can also be disturbed by the climate and the seasons. Originally, women’s rules were tuned with the Moon but now that there are artificial lights everywhere, it shows less.

Knowing that our body is made up of 80% liquids (blood, lymph, urine) and that the Moon interacts with aqueous environments, the satellite is able to move the liquids in us up and down. It is therefore normal that it has an influence on our entire body and that it triggers, among other things, migraines.

Stress, anxiety, depression, bad mood… Many people talk about negative effects of the Full Moon on their morale. During this period, spouses, work colleagues, teachers, friends and children are more irritable. We also notice that there are more suicides, fights, car accidents and tensions on Full Moon evenings. “To not indulge in the ambient gloom, drink hawthorn herbal teas and avoid making important decisions”, advises our expert.

“The Full Moon: when the moon starts from full dark to full moon it is said to be increasing and when the cycle goes in the other direction it is said to be decreasing. At that time we consider that when there is growth and the closer we get to the full moon, we go more easily get bigger in crescent moon and lose weight easily in waning moon. There are several influences so we can’t say that it always happens on the full moon. We can only give major trends. In the other forces that intervene there is the rising moon and the descending moon, it is not always at the same height in relation to the horizon.

As for pregnancy, gynecologists estimate the duration of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period, but in reality, a pregnancy does not last 9 months but 9 lunations, i.e. 9 times 29.5 days, i.e. about 265 days. In other words, if we listen to the Moon, the child is often born a few days before the doctors’ forecasts” says Paul Ferris.

Why fight? What’s needed, it is to keep in mind that when there is a full moon, we risk being more sensitive, more irritable. You must therefore be more attentive to your needs, take care of yourself, avoid stimulants such as tea and coffee, go to bed earlier, eat a varied and balanced diet, play sports to evacuate excess energy.

Sources: Moonstruck sleep: Synchronization of human sleep with the moon cycle under field conditions, Science Advances, January 2021
On nights before a full moon, people go to bed later and sleep less, study shows, EurekAlert, January 2021
