That’s it, it’s cold… The arrival of autumn is often accompanied by fatigue and gloom. Another less known effect, particularly on the skin of the face, may also be visible.
From a physiological point of view, each change of season has an impact on the body. “In Ayurvedic medicine, each season will correspond to a state. Autumn has its own characteristics: it is a dry, mobile, cold, light and windy season. This is why the transition from summer to autumn accentuates imbalances in certain vital energies (as the vata dosha). These energies will accumulate during the summer, until they get worse in the fall and thus become more fragile. These energy imbalances will materialize in the mind and in the body“, explains Sophie Benabi, expert and practitioner in Ayurveda.
The sign to watch out for: dry, dehydrated skin
In autumn, we will tend to feel more “dry”. As a result, the skin is drier and lack of hydration. Hair also tends to be drier, weakened or brittle. “Many people experience autumn hair loss. Finally, the eyes may also be a little drier“, notes our expert.
3 other effects on the body that should not be overlooked
► A bloated stomach: autumn being a “mobile” season, we will tend to feel more mentally agitated, much more hesitant or have difficulty concentrating. We may feel more anxiety, stress and nervousness. “And since the body and mind are connected, all this weakens the digestive system and causes bloating, gas, abdominal pain, a feeling of tense muscles and pain in the joints. During this season, transit is slowed down and there are greater risk of constipation“, warns our expert.
► Disturbed sleep: overall, the transition from summer to autumn is marked by a drop in vitality. “During a change of season, you may have poorer quality sleep and be more prone to insomnia.“, explains Sophie Benabi.
► An irregular appetite: autumn being a season characterized by mobility, our appetite is a little more irregular. For example, one day we wake up and we are not hungry, the next day we have an appetite again. “It is very erratic in terms of appetite, but also in terms of digestion: sometimes we will digest well, sometimes not, hence the importance of taking our meals at regular times.“, she advises.
Tips for living better in autumn
The internal clock is balanced by sunshine and the day/night alternation, going from summer to autumn requires a body rehabilitation. To limit the impacts on the body, we must “work” on the change of season. “The season does not have to set in to be able to act. Ideally, it is necessary to initiate changes 2 to 3 weeks before the season sets in“, specifies our expert. This year, as the temperatures were abnormal and it was much warmer than usual, it is not yet too late to prepare for the change of season. The idea is to gradually change your habits to adapt to the rhythm of the season that is about to take place.
- Eat cooked foods and hot dishes
- Favor good fats (vegetable oils, ghee, oilseeds)
- Limit your caffeine intake
- Favor gentle, indoor sports (dance, gentle yoga, pilates)
- Take some time for yourself after work (without a screen): journaling, reading, meditation, relaxation…
Thanks to Sophie Benabi, expert and practitioner in Ayurveda, author of the “Small Ayurveda exercise book” (Editions Jouvance)