What are the differences between NATO, the UN and the European Union?

What are the differences between NATO the UN and the

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine It is played not only on Ukrainian territory, but also institutional levelin which international institutions with great relevance in their respective fields play a role, such as NATO and the European Union, as well as the United States, the most influential and powerful country in the world given its military, technological and financial power. .

After the offensive launched by the Kremlin last Thursday in different parts of the Ukrainian geography, Russia has been exposed to different packages of sanctions, focused on the economic and technological fields. Some sanctions announced by the North American president, Joe Biden, as the main political representatives of the EU, which affect the main companies, elites and financial entities of the country, as well as the exports and assets of President Putin and the Russian politician Sergei Lavrov.

Precisely, one of the institutions that has sent troops to the region has been NATO. Although the country presided over by Volodymyr Zelensky is not part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, it is considered by it as an allied country, as is the case with others such as Finland and Sweden. The European Union. However, NATO does not intervene militarily in the conflict due to the fact that Ukraine is not a member country.

The vast majority of countries have shown their full support for Ukraine, and the main international organizations with the greatest weight have condemned the actions committed by Russia in the country. Among them is the UN which, through its secretary general Anthony Guterreshas described it as an “unacceptable” action and urged Putin to end the conflict.

Despite being three international and relevant institutions in their respective fields, NATO, the UN and the European Union have multiple differences, from their origin to their method of proceeding to solve problems and their weight in international conflicts.

The UN, with a marked social profile

In the case of the United Nations Organization (UN), founded in 1945, with headquarters in New York and of which 193 states are part, has a deep-rooted social character. One of the main objectives of the United Nations goes through enforce human rights, ensure international peace and securitydefend international law and distribute humanitarian aid wherever it is needed.

The UN, unlike NATO and the European Union, plays a mediating role in international conflicts. With regard to sanctions, unlike the European Union, is more influential, having the necessary legal instruments to impose restrictions on those countries it considers a danger to global peace and security.

NATO, based on military cooperation

If the UN presents a more social profile, NATO has a profile based on military cooperation. The Atlantic Alliance, currently made up of 30 countries, provides military support to member countries that are attacked by other countries. Founded in 1949 and headquartered in Belgium, in article five of its Treaty it explains that every time one of the countries of the Alliance is attacked, it will be an attack against all of them, so it is mandatory to respond. The main difference with respect to the UN is its form of organization.

The EU, a geopolitical entity made up of 27 countries

For its part, the European Union is a geopolitical entity that covers much of the European continent. Is a economic and political association of 27 countries with a single currency. Among its functions, some stand out, for example, guaranteeing the security, stability and prosperity of its citizens, as well as respect for human rights.

However, does not have the sanctioning capacity that the United Nations does have, and it is not a organization of military cooperation to use as it happens with NATO. Many of the EU member countries are part of the Atlantic Alliance, and even other states, such as Finland and Sweden, are considered allies, despite not being part of the organization.
