What are the differences between contributory benefit and unemployment subsidy?

What are the differences between contributory benefit and unemployment subsidy

Spain has a series of financial aid for all those who are unemployedamong them are the benefits and subsidies incurred for this reason. However, They are very similar concepts.but in labor matters, with different connotations. Thus, it is important to know and know the differences between both aids and the moment in which an unemployed person must request them.

Mainly, the first differentiating element between a contributory benefitbetter known as unemployment, and a unemployment subsidy is the contribution achieved thanks to other work experiences. To access a contributory benefit it is necessary to have a series of contribution days, in unemployment subsidies this time is not required. Also, to access these financial aids, it will not be possible to count on incomes higher than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salarythat is, everything that is below the 750 eurosaccording to the latest rise of the Government.

Contributory benefit, unemployment

The contributory benefit or the right to unemployment It is an economic aid in which the workers, who are in a situation of unemployment, they must have at least 360 days of contributions in the last six years before running out of work functions. Furthermore, this feature can be charged from four months to two yearsat most and ranges from 527.24 euros up to 1,482.46 euros.

His own word indicates it, Contributory is everything that is charged in relation to what a person has contributed, that is, the longer the person has contributed, more money will be received. As well, the number of dependent children is important within your family unit to access a certain amount. Mainly, To request the contributory unemployment benefit, it is necessary to have the minimum number of days of contributions, 360, as well as to follow the indications and guidelines set by the SEPE.

unemployment benefits

Regarding unemployment benefits, they will only be able to access those people who do not have the minimum contribution period or lack income above 75% of the SMI to be able to request the contributory benefit. Likewise, the economic amount is the same for all the plaintiffs, 80% of the Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects (IPREM), 451.92 eurosUnlike agricultural sector, whose figure rises to 604.44 euros.

The duration is indefinite for unemployed people over 52 years of ageWhile for any applicant will be the needs of the applicant in which you find during that moment. Only, must be requested when sufficient contributions are not reached for the right to unemploymentwhich is the same when economic income is below 723.75 euros.
