What are the cryptocurrencies with high potential in 2022?

What are the cryptocurrencies with high potential in 2022

Cryptocurrencies weigh more than the cumulative valuation of CAC 40 companies “. This is what Statistas says in a report dedicated to the cryptocurrency market. And it’s no wonder. With more than 3,000 billion dollars, this booming sector has a bright future (or decades!) ahead of it.

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The SII Group and the School of Advanced Digital Technologies (ETNA) have developed a broadcast broadcast on the Internet called Blockchain Revolution. She explains in detail the phenomenon of the blockchain and bitcoin, this cryptographic currency which is much talked about. Here, exclusively for Futura, is a complete episode devoted to the practical aspects of bitcoin.

Even if the bitcoin and ethereum are the cryptocurrencies that have the most weight, other projects are proving to be full of promise for the coming year… This is an opportunity for the Futura editorial staff to present to you three projects that challenged us with their potential.

Lucky Block

Unlike usual cryptocurrencies, Lucky Block is actually an online lottery hosted on a secure and decentralized blockchain, in other words, no central authority controls it, which makes all players equal.

For its launch, Lucky Block opted for the presale but, since February, it is quite possible tobuy Lucky Block on Pancakeswap provided you own BNB (Binance Coin).

The +?

  • All transactions made are viewable by users.
  • Earnings are paid out very quickly.
  • 70% of the winnings will be shared between the winners and the remaining 30% will be equally distributed between the holders of tokensLucky Block but also charities.
  • With several draws per day, the chances of winning are optimized!

Binance Coin (BNB)

Speaking of BNB… This is a cryptocurrency launched in 2017 by the Asian exchange Binance. It now has its own blockchain and offers fairly low exchange fees compared to other competitors.

Its advantages ?

  • Every quarter, BNB are withdrawn from circulation in order to reduce the mass currency and, therefore, increase the value of each BNB (until this reduction reaches 50%).
  • It offers the possibility of paying for goods or services online as in real life, in particular by using a payment card Binance Visa. It is also possible to book trips!
  • She has a role of token utility to be able to finance other projects such as Lucky Block if you click on this link for example.

The Sandbox

Impossible to talk about people digital without mentioning the Metaverse. The Sandbox is precisely a cryptocurrency linked to this new virtual economy. Originally, it was a totally virtual community game platform where it became possible to create your own world, to welcome other players or to monetize it. Tokens thus allow users to carry out transactions or generate interest.

Did you know ?

  • Large corporations (Atari and Carrefour to name but two) hold land on The Sandbox.
  • There will never be more than 3 billion Sand tokens in circulation on the platform.

Whatever the cryptocurrencies in which you wish to invest, do not forget that it is essential to have a defined strategy from the start. Additionally, an understanding of theuniverse cryptocurrencies is, in our opinion, essential to detect the potential or the danger of a project. Like other types of investment, cryptocurrencies do not exclude the risk of loss of capital…

Article produced in partnership with Lucky Block

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