What are the contraindications to Covid-19 vaccines?

What are the contraindications to Covid 19 vaccines

Myocarditis, allergy… There are contraindications to vaccination against Covid-19 disease. The PIMS which affects children has not been one since March 2022, according to the decision of the HAS. Updated list.

[Mise à jour le 21 mars 2022 à 15h21] A list of contraindications hindering vaccination against covid-19 has been drawn up by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) and the High Authority for Health (HAS). The initial list of contraindications was mentioned in the decree of August 11, 2021 and updated in decree n°2021-1413 of October 29, 2021 following theopinion of October 5 from the HAS. the PIMS (inflammatory syndrome observed in children infected with Covid) is no longer a contraindication to vaccination, inform the HAS on March 18, 2022. “It is now possible to lift the contraindication to primary vaccination against Covid-19 in children and adolescents who have presented a PIMS post-infection with SARS-CoV-2” she indicates while specifying “that before vaccinating, it is necessary to respect a period of at least 3 months, after recovery from PIMS”.

The cases of medical contraindications preventing vaccination against covid-19 are:

The contraindications listed in the summary of product characteristics (SPC):

  • history of documented allergy (allergist opinion) to one of the components of the vaccine, in particular polyethylene glycols and by risk of cross-allergy to polysorbates;
  • anaphylactic reaction at least grade 2 (damage to at least 2 organs) to a first injection of a vaccine against COVID posed after allergological expertise;
  • people who have already had episodes of capillary leak syndrome (common contraindication to the Vaxzevria vaccine and the Janssen vaccine);
  • people who have presented a thrombotic and thrombocytopenic syndrome (TTS) following vaccination with Vaxzevria.

A medical recommendation not to initiate a vaccination (first dose):

  • myocarditis or myopericarditis associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

A recommendation established after multidisciplinary medical consultation not to perform the second dose of vaccine following the occurrence of an adverse effect of severe or serious intensity attributed to the first dose of vaccine reported to the pharmacovigilance system (for example: the occurrence of myocarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, etc.).

A recommendation issued by a Rare Diseases Reference Center (CRMR) or a Rare Diseases Competence Center (CCMR) after multidisciplinary medical consultation (collegial opinion) not to initiate vaccination against covid-19.

The cases of temporary medical contraindications preventing vaccination against covid-19 are:

► Treatment with anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies;

► Myocarditis or pericarditis of etiology unrelated to infection by SARS-CoV-2 occurring prior to vaccination and still evolving.

How to get your certificate?

The certificate of medical contraindication is given to the person concerned by a doctor in paper format. This is a medical certificate established on the specific form (cerfa n° 16183*01).

  • Part 1 of the form must then be sent to the medical department of your health insurance fund to obtain a health pass.
  • Section 2 is for you.

If you are required to be vaccinated against Covid-19:

  • a copy of section 2 can be sent to your employer,
  • your vaccine contraindication certificate can be checked by the fund’s medical advisor. This control takes into account your medical history, the evolution of your medical situation and the reason for contraindication with regard to the recommendations made by the health authorities.

For trips: The contraindication certificate cannot be used for travel outside French borders, to Corsica or an overseas territorythese destinations being subject to the border health control rules.


Covid-19: lifting of the contraindication to primary vaccination after a PIMS. Press release. March 18, 2022. HAS

Contraindication to Covid-19 vaccination: Update of the list and creation of the “Rare diseases” procedure November 3, 2021.

Service-Public.fr; Ameli.fr, HAS.
