What are the causes of intense fatigue?

What are the causes of intense fatigue

Deficiency, anemia, anxiety, depression, virus, Covid… Intense fatigue can be caused by different causes, more or less serious. What to do ? When to consult? What warning symptoms?

Feeling tired due to lack of sleep or after strenuous activity (sport) is completely normal. On the other hand, fatigue becomes abnormal when it does not disappear with rest. It is then disabling on a daily basis, and prevents the sufferer from carrying out the usual activities. It is therefore essential to diagnose the cause so that appropriate treatment can be prescribed.

What are the causes of severe fatigue?

“Intense fatigue can be eitherorganic origin (physiological problem), orfunctional origin (linked to the psychic)”explains Dr Véronique Labbe, general practitioner in Paris. The organic causes of great fatigue can be very varied and range from anemia to cancers. “The majority of people who come to consult for intense fatigue do not have organic disorders but are depressed.“Note that abortion (voluntary termination of pregnancy) causes very intense fatigue for 88% of women who have undergone it.

What are the symptoms of extreme fatigue?

The symptoms experienced are usually:

  • Difficulty doing common tasks of daily living
  • Psychological and social impact
  • An abnormal decline in fitness and physical abilities.
  • Tiredness especially after meals. We then speak of “postprandial fatigue“, linked to digestion. It is all the stronger when the meal has been rich and unbalanced, hence the importance of eating healthy.

What is the difference between fatigue and asthenia?

A distinction is made between fatigue, which is a normal phenomenon improved by rest, and asthenia, a feeling of fatigue not improved by rest. There is also fatigability, which is the occurrence of physical fatigue for an abnormally low effort, and psychasthenia, which designates fatigue of psychic origin.

The first essential step is the interview (anamnesis) which makes it possible to rule out certain possible organic causes and to identify the psychological profile of the patient. Complementary examinations (blood test, X-ray, etc.) are sometimes prescribed in case of doubt of organic disease. A real warning signal, intense fatigue should never be neglected.

What treatment to relieve intense fatigue?

Treatment for intense fatigue depends on its causes. The results of the various investigations allow the practitioner to set up a protocol adapted on a case-by-case basis. In case of depression, antidepressants improve symptoms after a few weeks. They should ideally be accompanied by a psychotherapy.

5 anti-fatigue tips

The lifestyle has an obvious impact on the state of health and psychological development. For prevent intense fatigueit is particularly important to:

  1. Keep a minimum physical activity outside,
  2. Respect regular sleeping hours as much as possible,
  3. Have a balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight and avoid deficiencies,
  4. Limit stimulants (tobacco, alcohol, coffee) as well as excess sugar,
  5. Allow yourself periods of relaxation and rest each day and avoid excessive stress and overwork.

Thanks to Dr Véronique Labbe, general practitioner in Paris.
