What are the best engineering schools for biology?

What are the best engineering schools for biology

Biology is a science interested in the study of life in its various forms. Biological engineering is a booming sub-field of engineering, thanks to the constant innovations of the sector. So what are the best engineering schools specializing in Biological Engineering?

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Schools ofengineer in biology form professionals able to understand, design and implement processes that integrate materials and biological systems to obtain products useful to society.

All this, with social responsibility, ethical commitment and in an interdisciplinary environment where creativity, learning and the effective use of computer systems and information technologies are cultivated.

What are the tasks of a biological engineer?

The engineer biology must be able, on a daily basis, to:

  • Solve problems related to the environment, using biological systems to create or modify products and processes
  • Participate in laboratory research activities, and use engineering equipment.
  • Acquire knowledge related to other fields such as management, management, economic engineering, marketing, among others.
  • Develop logical mathematical reasoning and calculation skills.
  • Develop an ability to express oneself, written and orally, in French and English, and to understand academic, technical and scientific texts.
  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams
  • Identify problems of a social nature, which can be solved by the use of materials and systems of biological origin.

Thus, the biological engineering professional is responsible for understanding, designing and implementing a series of processes that incorporate biological materials and systems.

The ranking of the best schools of biological engineers

This ranking takes into account the engineering schools belonging to the network of the Commission for Engineering Qualifications (CTI), which are regularly evaluated by various external bodies.

The criteria that come into play are numerous, we find among them: academic excellence, international reputation, salary on leaving school or the level of student recruitment. Futura offers you a ranking of the best engineering schools specializing in biology in France:

  1. AgroParisTech school, in Paris
  2. The Montpellier SupAgro school, in Montpellier
  3. The National School of Biomolecule Technology (ENSTBB – Bordeaux INP), in Bordeaux
  4. The National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), in Lyon or Toulouse
  5. Polytech Nice Sophia school, in Sophia Antipolis
  6. The University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), in Compiègne
  7. The Toulouse National Agronomic School (ENSAT – Toulouse INP), in Auzeville-Tolosane
  8. The higher school of biotechnology de Strasbourg (ESBS), in Illkirch-Graffenstaden
  9. Agrocampus Ouest school, in Reindeer
  10. The Oniris National Veterinary School, in Nantes
  11. The National School of Chemistry, Biology and Physics (ENSCBP – Bordeaux INP), in Pessac
  12. AgroSup Dijon school
  13. Polytech school, in Clermont-Ferrand
  14. The School of Industrial Biology (EBI), in Cergy
  15. UniLaSalle school, in Beauvais
  16. Polytech school, in Angers
  17. The Isen Yncréa Méditerranée school, in Nîmes
  18. The Higher School ofAgriculture from Angers (ESA), to Angers
  19. The Higher Institute of Engineers of Franche-Comté (Isifc), in Besançon
  20. The Superior School of Agrifood Engineers of Atlantic Brittany (Esiab), in Plouzané

What profile is recommended for studying bioengineering?

To study Biological Engineering, students are recommended to be interested and knowledgeable in the following areas:

  • Exact Sciences
  • Research
  • Natural Sciences
  • Project development
  • Innovation
  • Analytical thinking

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