What are the advantages of electric mountain biking?

What are the advantages of electric mountain biking

In recent years, this new mode of transport – the electric mountain bike – has continued to gain followers. If it is so successful, it is because this new generation two-wheeler has many assets to seduce cyclists. Let’s take a look at its benefits.

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If the MTB electric is similar to the classic mountain bike that we all know, two elements are enough to decide between them: the battery and the motor.

The particularities of the electric mountain bike

The engine assists the cyclist in his efforts: it can also produce up to 90% of theenergy required to move the bike forward. In concrete terms, when the assistance is engaged, you only accompany the movement of pedaling. On the other hand, this pedaling aid is not constant in intensity: it is proportional to the effort you provide while pedaling.

The battery of a electric mountain bike has a variable autonomy depending on the models and manufacturers. It generally oscillates between 45 and 90 kilometers. In addition, certain factors such as the weight of the cyclist, the pedaling force, the windthe relief or even the inflation of the tires, can have an influence on the autonomy of the electric bike.

Electric mountain bike: what are its advantages?

The electric mountain bike has a number of characteristics that would make us want to crack. Here are the ones that most appeal to users:

  • Performance increase physical : it allows you to easily cover longer routes, more quickly, without however getting into the red on the breathing side. A slightly more “sporty” ride in normal times immediately becomes much more pleasant and accessible with the electric version.
  • Modification of usual routes: to avoid getting tired, you can get into the habit of regularly taking the same routes for your bike rides. Thanks to the electric mountain bike, mountainous paths with too steep slopes are much easier to climb. Clearly, it allows you to reach geographical areas that were inaccessible to you until now with a conventional mountain bike.
  • Eliminate level differences in a group: with family, friends or as a couple, the electric mountain bike makes it possible to make journeys with others, without leaving the less athletic behind.
  • Take care of your health: if the effort provided with an electric mountain bike is less compared to a conventional bike, it nevertheless constitutes a physical activity fully fledged. For example, the effort required by the electric version while pedaling is identical to that required when walking uphill. In particular, it relieves the joints and strengthen the mass muscular.

Admittedly more expensive to buy than a traditional mountain bike, the electric model still has a bright future ahead of it. If the assistance allows you to push your physical limits, it is however recommended to use it sparingly, otherwise you will run out of battery and have to return home with a heavier bike than normal.

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