What are Live Service Games? Why Does It Divide Players?

What are Live Service Games Why Does It Divide Players

What are live service games? Live service games, which have gained popularity with their new content, are causing controversy due to their monetization methods.

We are responding to a term that we have started to use more and more lately. What are Live Service Games? These titles have exploded in the last decade with popular titles like Fortnite and Suicide Squad. However, because they are “live” and constantly updated with new content, they also cause controversy among some players. Well, exactly What are live service games? and why does it divide the players into two?

What are Live Service Games? Features and Effect on Players

Live service games is a term used for games that often feature online multiplayer and are constantly supported with new content and updates. These types of games are updated frequently and the number of changes is high. For this reason, they remain dynamic and “alive”. The endgame acts as a springboard for future expansions and provides players with a long-term gaming experience. However, a distinct feature of this model is the monetization methods such as cosmetic items and microtransactions.

What is Fortnite: Live Service Games?

Live service games include free-to-play models, standalone versions, and subscription services, depending on the developer’s preference. It aims to attract new and old players, often with seasonal battle passes and premium currencies. Games like Fortnite, Warframe, Sea of ​​Thieves, and the Destiny series fall into this category. On the other hand, the multiplayer portions of games like Grand Theft Auto: Online and Halo: Infinite can be considered live services.

What are Live Service Games?  - 2

What is GTA Online: Live Service Games?

In-game purchases and microtransactions are among the reasons why live service games are polarizing. While some think that this model spoils the gaming experience and provides an unfair advantage, others argue that constantly updated content keeps the game fresh and provides a long-term experience. Additionally, these games sometimes add shops to the game with post-launch updates, which can lead to controversy.

Reasons Why Live Service Games Come Under Criticism

Live service games have both gained popularity among gamers and become the target of criticism over the last decade. Despite their increasing numbers, gamers have a more cautious approach towards this model than before.

Predatory Monetization Practices in Live Service Games

One of the biggest criticisms of games in this style is that they rely on predatory monetization strategies. They encourage players to spend money with high prices for cosmetic items and random reward systems such as loot boxes. This raises serious ethical issues that may lead to it being banned in some countries because it can lead to gambling problems.

While the battle passes in these productions offer players the opportunity to progress throughout the season, some games make it possible to skip certain levels or complete the battle pass by making additional expenses. This can create a predatory feeling for players, especially when “fear of missing out” (FOMO) is triggered.

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What is The Crew: Live Service Games?

Additionally, games that rely on live service models run the risk of being abandoned shortly after launch. The decisions to close the Rumbleverse and Ubisoft’s The Crew game in 2023 raise questions about the sustainability of this model. It is quite annoying when games in which time and money have been invested suddenly become inaccessible.

Live Service Games Are in the Focus of Criticism

While the term “live service game” is increasingly used in the gaming industry, the increasing number of productions are raising concerns and criticism among the press and gamers. The release of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League in 2024 is a point where these criticisms reach their peak. The game’s failure and its approach to forcing players into an endless grind cycle sheds light on the fundamental problems of “live service games.”

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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League – What is Live Service Games?

Major Criticisms

The release of Suicide Squad and the criticism that followed reveal some fundamental problems. The predatory monetization mechanisms on which the games are built, not offering a real ending, and monetization strategies that directly affect the gameplay are frequently criticized. In particular, the fact that all characters use the same weapons and melee attacks points to problems such as the loot aspect of the “looter-shooter” genre not rewarding players sufficiently.

Examples like the Destiny series and Battlefield 2042 show how the model can be misguided and negatively impact player satisfaction. These games, especially Battlefield 2042’s shortcomings at launch and Destiny 2’s critical State of the Game update caused developers to re-evaluate their approach to this model.

However, successful live service games such as Fortnite and APEX Legends demonstrate the potential of the model and its ability to consistently draw players into the game, while innovative games such as The Finals and Foamstars also show that the future of this model may be bright. However, the genre has to constantly evolve to improve the player experience, taking into account the challenges and criticisms faced by both developers and players.

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Apex Legends: What is Live Service Games?

Successful Games

Although it has sometimes been a controversial topic in the industry, the ongoing success of titles like Fortnite proves that this model does not have a negative reputation. These types of games manage to keep their investors hooked through years of battle passes and unlocks, turning into a live service platform rather than a game.

Games such as Helldivers 2 and the Call of Duty series provide examples of how live service mechanisms can gain popularity and expand the player base. On the other hand, Microsoft’s porting of games such as Sea of ​​Thieves and Grounded to platforms other than Xbox expands the scale and reach of live service games.

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What is Helldivers 2: Live Service Games?

Although free-to-play games have an undeniable advantage in terms of playing hours, their absence from the bestseller lists shows that there are different measures of success in different segments of the gaming industry. While live service games have often been received coldly, industry leaders are increasingly investing in this model. Future projects from Warner Bros. and Ubisoft solidify live service games’ place in the industry.

Despite criticism, live service games maintain their presence in the industry with innovative content and strong marketing strategies. Success stories like Fortnite and games expanding to new platforms show the potential and diversity of this model. In short, it is very possible that this species will evolve and become more widespread in the coming period.
