What are hijama points for men? In which area is the cupping applied for infertility in men?

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Cupping application, also known as cupping therapy, is a known process that has survived from the Ottoman Empire and was applied before. Today, with the development of technology, it is applied to more modern methods. It is a process that should be done by people who are experts in this field. Today, it is carried out under the control of the state and by experts, based on a circular published by the Ministry of Health. Hijama, which is known to be good for many diseases, is an application that is also used for some conditions specific to men.

In which area is hijama applied for infertility?

Hijama application is made with objects called mugs or glasses made of bamboo, glass or similar materials. It is a procedure that can be done to anyone, male or female, and regardless of age group, whom doctors deem appropriate. In male infertility, cupping is a method that can be applied and is often preferred. This method, which can be used for infertility treatment if there is a doctor’s advice and guidance, is applied to the lumbar region. With the cupping treatment applied to this area, it is aimed to increase the blood in the area. Cupping for infertility aims to relax the veins by increasing the oxide synthesis by the cuts made by the scratches made according to the cups placed in the waist area. In this way, the rate of blood in the area increases. Male patients are recommended to have this procedure in consultation with their doctor in case of infertility problems.

Sexual problems and hijama points in women and men are generally applied to the waist area. The patient is first placed in a comfortable position. Then, at least five cups are placed in the waist area and kept in this area for a few minutes. The incision is then made to allow the blood to flow. In men, hijama is mostly preferred for sexual problems and infertility.

What are the benefits of hijama for men?

Cupping, which is an alternative medicine method that is applied in many countries around the world and is frequently used in Islamic countries, is also a method used in some complaints of men. It is accepted that the cupping process works in male infertility. Apart from infertility, the benefits of hijama for men can be listed as follows:

  • Ensuring quality increase in sperm production
  • Reduction of problems caused by prostate problems
  • Varicocele treatment (Swelling of the veins in loose skin bags, also known as scrotum bags, which have the task of protecting the testicles in men, and accordingly their expansion and growth)
  • Sexual aversion and weakness
  • Infertility
