What are extremes? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express

What are extremes LExpress explains everything to you – LExpress

This week, before the legislative elections where Rassemblement National and Nouveau Front Populaire are leading in the polls, Olivier Peru, from the Politics department of L’Express, explains to us what the “extremes” are.

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The team: Mathias Penguilly (presentation), Charlotte Baris (writing), Miléna Rossi (editing), Jules Krot (direction)

Credits: BFMTV, France 24, France Info, Public Sénat

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Julien de Rosa/AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

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Mathias Penguilly: The extremes… In this episode, it will be about history, semantics and of course politics. This extreme word, as we know, classifies certain political parties as being very right-wing or very left-wing. But Olivier, who decides on this classification?

Olivier Peru: Several things. There is the program of a party. Depending on the measures, we will say that it is left or right, more or less left or right. To put it in a really summarized way, on the right the programs are often based on the success of the individual to advance society, and therefore economic liberalism, but also a notion of conservatism.

On the left, collective success precedes the individual, programs are more focused on social justice and progressivism. But a party does not decide alone on its position on the political spectrum. Often its opponents will themselves send it back to a certain position. When we want to disqualify, delegitimize an opponent, we can say that he is far right or far left, because that suggests marginality, danger for democracy.

But what matters a lot is the classification made by the administrative authorities, that is to say the law.

For further

What government after July 7? The three secret scenarios on Macron’s table

With the RN or the NFP, France risks becoming the Sweden of the 1990s, by Johan Norberg

Legislative: the people trapped by the extremes, by Jean-François Copé

Alain Laquieze: “In power, the RN and the NFP would be obliged to moderate themselves”
