What Are Analytical Geometry Formulas? – Mobile

What Are Analytical Geometry Formulas Mobile

Analytical Geometry, which is used in almost every field today, has become an invariable part of our lives. Analytical Geometry, which we encounter in almost every business field from agriculture to the construction sector, makes our lives easier. In today’s article, we will give you information about Analytical Geometry formulas.

Although technology is constantly developing and advancing, Analytical Geometry has made human life easier from the past to the present. People have applied to these formulas in almost every financial field. In addition, these formulas, which are frequently encountered by students during the high school period, play the key point in the exams.

Whether you are into mathematics or not, you have used Analytical Geometry at least once in your life. With the formulas that we will recommend to you, you can easily overcome these problems in your exam life and use them in daily life. Let’s examine these formulas now.

Slope of the Line

A the slope of the line, It expresses the horizontality of the line and also the change in value.

Perpendicular Distance Between Line and Point

analytical geometry formulas

in mathematics, Distance can be defined in more than one way. To avoid this confusion, vertical distance is used. This formula, which can be derived from the distance between two points, is expressed as above.

Equation of a Line with Intersecting Axis

analytical geometry formulas

We need some data to express a line on the analytical plane. if If we know the points where the axes intersect We can express the truth as above.

Right Harness

analytical geometry formulas

intersect at one point If we know the formula for n linesit is possible to find infinite lines passing through that point.

Angle Between Two Intersecting Lines

analytical geometry formulas

Angles are one of the things that allow us to interpret many geometric shapes. Here, too, we see the basis of many geometric shapes.

Rotating and Translating an Analytical Structure

analytical geometry formulas

What we can express on an analytical plane We can move anything to any place we want and rotate it by any degree we want.

Area of ​​a rectangle

analytical geometry formulas

In particular, it is often used in land surveying and designing agricultural fields. from field accounts is used. It has also been seen that it was used to make productive crops in past civilizations.

Area of ​​Triangle

analytical geometry formulas

We can also use some operators in mathematics for different purposes, the area of ​​a triangle given three vertices is also a multi-linear function. determinant We can calculate as above.

Center of Gravity of a Homogeneous Planar Body

analytical geometry formulas

Consisting of any n pieces of a homogeneous planar body, The center of gravity (X, Y) point with respect to a selected axis set can be calculated with the above equations.

General Conic Equation

analytical geometry formulas

Parabola, circle, ellipse and hyperbola Conical structures like these are actually sections of a cone. We can express all these conical structures with the above formula.

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