what about the Doha pre-dialogue after Goukouni Weddeye was sidelined

what about the Doha pre dialogue after Goukouni Weddeye was sidelined

Questions about the pre-dialogue scheduled from Sunday in Doha, Qatar, with Chadian politico-military groups. Until then in charge of discussions with these groups, former President Goukouni Weddeye was dismissed by the Ndjamena authorities.

After the dismissal of Goukouni Weddeye, the meeting which should pave the way for the integration of armed groups within the future inclusive national dialogue is not threatened. Moreover, the head of Chadian diplomacy was to fly away this Thursday morning for Doha and continue the discussions initiated by the Qatari mediation.

From a government source, it is explained that it has already been several weeks since Chérif Mahamat Zene took charge of the preparation of this meeting and that it is logical that he should take over from former President Goukouni Weddeye, whose mission to bring politicians -military at the negotiating table, is accomplished. The latter nevertheless expressed his surprise on learning of his withdrawal.

Qatar would have requested that the negotiations be done with a state authority. Hence the establishment of this new “special committee”, made up of 25 members, headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Goukouni was the right man”

Regarding this change of interlocutor, politico-military groups welcome him with a certain mistrust because the personality of the former president, respected by all, had made it possible to advance the discussions.

Goukouni was the right man in the right place. Goukouni made no effort to make the pre-dialogue a reality. Despite the work, the effort provided by President Goukouni, we see him leaving in this way on the eve of the meeting, it surprises us. Does it demonstrate somewhere the eels under rock? We don’t know, we wait and then we’ll see. We, we can only take note, we are determined to participate and the dialogue must be sincere, there must be good will, and as it is, we fear that there will be ‘other unacknowledged goals behind it », Estimates for his part Mahamat Mahadi Ali, the head of Fact.

An executive from another group contacted this Thursday morning believes that Goukouni Weddeye was the victim of ” bickering » and that we wanted « impose things on him “. Nevertheless, if he wonders about the ” viability of the Doha meeting, there is no question of playing the empty chair policy. ” Everyone will put their case on the table and we’ll see if there’s an agreement at the end. “Adds this official, who predicts that the negotiations will last much longer than the week initially planned.
