What a paint! The basic pack crowned Tappara with Kiri’s hit, which according to the expert was “classic stuff” – Captain Suomi Ilves’ hero

What a paint The basic pack crowned Tappara with Kiris

In the Finnish Hockey League, both semi-finals were played on Saturday. A paint festival was seen in both Kouvola and Tampere. The Tampere teams were finally iron.

Micke Suopuro,

Simo Arkko

9.4. 19:33 • Updated 9.4. 20:17

The semi-finals of the Finnish Ice Hockey League continued at an extremely fast pace on Saturday. KooKoo and Tappara met again, in Tampere Ilves and TPS started their own series.

Paint festivals were held in both places. Four goals were already scored in Kouvola in the opening round, and Tampere also scored three times.

Tappara won the match 6–3 from KooKoo (3–1, 0–2, 0–3). KooKoo was still celebrating in the opening round, but the No. 1 defender Petteri Nikkilän after the injury, the hosts’ game broke down.

– From Tappara’s point of view, the performance was the minimum performance. Tells of their strength that a game like this can make five game situation goals and one more empty, Sports Expert Topi Nättinen estimates.

TPS was unable to knock down Ilves away, winning the home team with numbers 3–2 (2–1, 0–1, 1–0). Nearly 12,000 people witnessed the opening of the series.

– Ilves scored a couple of overpowering goals. In big games, they are a lifeline. The forced game against the flies did not work yet, now the situation is different. TPS played a very typical game for them. The games in the series are likely to continue to be goal games, Nättinen described.

Next, the main events of the matches will be discussed in more detail in this story.

KooKoo – Tappara 3–6, match series: 1–1

KooKoo continued its history in the first home match of the Finnish Champions League semi-finals from where it was left in Tampere on Friday.

Kim Strömberg was in a fierce attack in the opening round: the KooKoo veteran striker loaded the puck twice into Tappara’s net. Representing Tappara in his career for four seasons, Strömberg had already scored two goals against Tappara on Friday.

Tappara guard Christian Heljanko had to make a substitution in the middle of the game when Strömberg also scored a successful goal between goals Toni Suuronen.Kasperi Ojantakanen kuti bounced in through Suuronen. The ax-breasted gate skated Janis Kalnins.

The only one in charge of the killer batch Patrik Virtawho directed Kristian Kuuselan line delivery network.

The scariest moment of the lot was seen when Petteri Nikkilä, the number one packer of KooKoo, who solved the opening game, left the bowl when he knocked on his knee in a fighting situation. Waltteri Merelän with. KooKoo had to end the match with five defenders.

– For KooKoo, such attacks are really massive. There is no substitute for him. Nikkilä brings spiritual leadership and experience to the team. The situation looked like his season is in the package, Sports Expert Topi Nättinen evaluates the Hockey Tour broadcast.

This is where the downhill of KooKoo began. Tappara got the much-needed reduction right at the start of the second installment Brady Austinin with paint. Austin fired the puck into the net immediately Otto Rauhalan after the starting win.

The same thing was repeated in the handicap: Rauhala won another start, and this time the puck loaded in. Petteri Puhakka.

At the beginning of the third round, Samuli Ratinen had a bad error in the attack. Defending the puck as the lowest player retaliated and this punished Tappara when the basic deck Mikael Seppälä escaped through. He pushed to the end and managed to pass Nick Malikin.

Seppälä succeeded in scoring only once in the regular season, but he has already scored two goals in the playoffs. During the previous two seasons, Seppälä has scored a total of five goals, including the Regular Series.

– A completely useless mistake from Ratinen. It is pointless to try anything similar in that situation. Seppälä’s goal was a classic thing, Topi Nättinen commented on the broadcast of the Hockey Tour.

From this KooKoo no longer rose. Otto Leskinen and Veli-Matti-Savinainen finalized the final readings at the end of the batch.

Ilves – TPS 3–2, match series: 1–0

Ilves and TPS opened their own match series in the Tampere arena. After a palpable start, this match also saw quite a lot of joy in the opening round. Hero of the semi-finals Petri Kontiola bait in the middle of the batch Joonas Odenin the opening goal of the game. Eetu Liukas brought the people of Turku to the levels only after just over a minute.

Just a minute later it was Ilves ‘turn again: Ilves’ captain Eemeli Finland cheated into the lead of his team with superiority in his first playoff playoffs.

TPS equalized the second installment initially when Markus Nurmi went to put the puck inside the Ilves guard Marek Langamerin after groping.

Captain Finland became the hero of the lynx in the final round. Balazs Sebok bait in the middle of the batch by overcoming the corner of the puck goal, from which Finland rose and pressed past the puck Andrei Karejevin.

Finland aired the paint wildly to the delight of the home crowd.

– It’s nice to succeed. Yes, there is a great atmosphere here, thank you to the viewers. You hear it all the time, Eemeli Suomi said to Sport.

TPS applied for a tie until the end, but Ilves withstood the rush of white shirts. For example Marko Anttila was able to cover the Turku handicap at the end of the game.
