Wet hands transfer 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands

Wet hands transfer 1000 times more bacteria than dry hands

technology company Dyson He shared: “Wet hands can transfer 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands.”

While our concerns about hygiene have increased with the Covid-19 pandemic, our perception of cleaning and our habits have changed completely. Everyone is more meticulous now, especially in crowded and frequently visited spots. This meticulousness causes users to pay attention to every aspect of hygiene, from the soap in the toilets to how they dry their hands. Due to the increasing paper prices both globally and in our country, many businesses with frequent users, especially public toilets, prefer hand dryers instead of disposable paper towels. However, at this point, it is an important detail that the preferred machine does not dry by heating the air and has a HEPA filter. turns out.

In the Global Hygiene Research announced by the global technology company Dyson at the end of 2021, it is seen that users are especially worried when using public toilets, while they want the hand dryers in these toilets to have certain features and standards.


When people were asked what their biggest reservations were when using a hand dryer, 32 percent of respondents worldwide cited drying their hands with polluted air as a reason, while 38 percent cited having to physically push buttons. Forty-five percent of survey respondents say that hand dryers should include reliable air-cleaning filters that provide clean air drying, while 57 percent say reassuring non-contact technologies should be used.

Both user expectations stand out as the criteria that Dyson provides for its HEPA filtered and contactless drying devices. At the same time, 80 percent of the respondents from Turkey state that they feel comfortable using hand dryers developed by Dyson.

Alex Knox, Executive Vice President, Dyson Air Cleaning Categoryin his statement on the subject; “This global epidemic, the greatest crisis of modern times; fundamentally changed our approach and attitude to hygiene. Keeping the common areas clean has never been more important, and we want to touch everything less.

We have developed a way to dry hands quickly, hygienically and without contact, without the cost and environmental concerns associated with paper towels. Our Dyson Airblade hand dryers have HEPA filters that capture 99.95 percent of particles to dry your hands with fresh air, not dirty toilet air.” says.


Drying hands with conventional hot air drying hand dryers can take longer than 20 seconds. This is why many users leave without thoroughly drying their hands, increasing the risk of rapid spread of bacteria. Some hand dryers collect the waste water in the discharge chamber. However, these chambers are unhygienic and create a perfect environment for bacteria to multiply.

Dyson Airblade hand dryers use HEPA filters. 99.95% of particles in toilet air are captured and trapped, including bacteria and viruses. Thus, hands are dried in 14 seconds or less using clean air, not dirty air. The Dyson Airblade V hand dryer contains an antibacterial additive that helps prevent the growth of bacteria. The Dyson Airblade Wash+Dry hand dryer is approved for use in food preparation environments.

Dyson Senior Scientist Salomé Giao: “Many people don’t realize that moist hands can transfer 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands.” he sums up. “Every step of the process is crucial, from washing hands thoroughly to drying them properly to remove microorganisms from the skin, to help prevent dry hands from carrying bacteria.” “Particles deposited on surfaces can survive for several hours and can be transmitted by touching these surfaces,” Giao said. Washing your hands frequently and drying them properly will minimize the transfer of these particles.” he adds.

