Western University power plant operators strike, block city buses from campus

Western University power plant operators strike block city buses from

Western University’s operating engineers hit the picket line Thursday morning, striking for what they consider fair wages amidst a staffing shortage, their union says.

Western University’s operating engineers hit the picket line Thursday morning, striking for what they consider fair wages amidst a staffing shortage, their union says.

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Officials with the union, the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 772, say their pay raises have been capped at one per cent annually while engineers elsewhere in Ontario have received yearly increases of between three and six per cent.

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“Bargaining is challenging for all workers given inflation,” union officials said in a statement. “However, in addition the operating engineers were hindered by legislation and unable to enjoy market adjustments.”

CTV London is reporting the local is made up of 12 workers. Their duties include running the power plant and HVAC systems on campus.

University officials say the union rejected an attempted deal before the strike began. Classes and exams will not be interrupted and the school remains open to all activities and services.

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Striking operating engineers at Western University block a London Transit bus from entering campus on the morning of Thursday Oct. 12, 2023. (Twitter/UWO Faculty Association)

As a result, the union says they face a staffing shortage and a lack of interest from new applicants. It adds that the group has not sought an increase in benefits, premiums or pensions, despite not seeing increases in at least five years.

“We only sought what was necessary to remain competitive for operating engineers,” the union says.

The union representing the school’s faculty expressed support for the striking workers and appeared set to join them on the picket lines. “Picketers are on the move and will be going to different (campus) entrances throughout the day.”

As a result of the pickets, all 11 London Transit routes serving Western University’s campus will be re-routed along Western Road, Windermere Road, and Richmond Street “until further notice.”

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In a photo posted to social media at about 7:30 am Thursday, pickets are seen blocking a London Transit bus from entering campus. One Londoner credited the bus drivers for “respecting the picket lines.”

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