Western insider tip with a perfect running time and a great leading actor

slow west

Although the Western is often said to be dead, it is currently enjoying great popularity. The very existence of the Yellowstone universe shows that there is definitely a demand for stories about Cowboys, horses and land consists. Today we would like to recommend a western to you that was released almost ten years ago and is still far too unknown: Slow West.

Western insider tip: In Slow West we never know whether we can really trust Michael Fassbender

Slow West tells the story of Jay Cavendish (Kodi Smit-McPhee), who leaves his homeland, Scotland, behind at the age of 16 and sets off for the American West. He doesn’t care about land or horses, let alone the prospect of gold. No, he is driven by a much stronger feeling: of the love.

Jay does everything he can to find Rose (Caren Pistorius), even though he is by no means up to the dangers of his journey. Just at that moment, something is revealed to him mysterious stranger. Silas Selleck (Michael Fassbender), an outlaw who barely speaks a word, reveals himself as an unexpected ally.

You can watch the trailer for Slow West here:

Slow West – Trailer (German) HD

Will Silas get to young Jay sooner or later? What are his true intentions? And is Rose really waiting for Jay at the end of the journey or is the West transforming? into another dead end for him? Although Slow West works with slow images, the many questions ensure constant tension.

Unconventional western with stylish images: Slow West is very slow and extremely entertaining at the same time

John Maclean, who started his career as a musician (The Meta Band, The Aliens), delivered an impressive directorial debut with Slow West in 2015. Be special Play with the pace the story is fascinating. On the one hand, he loves watching the characters ride across the vastness of America, through fields and forests.

On the other hand, he surprises with many strange ideas, a dry sense of humor and a production that stands out stylized, almost surreal images puts. The editing brings an unusual rhythm to the film and before we know it the adventure is over. Slow West only has a running time of 84 minutes.


Slow West

An astonishing balancing act: Maclean’s debut is very slow and extremely entertaining at the same time – and one of the most refreshing genre contributions from the past years. At times this Western is a shy love story, at times a series of unexpected spikes in violence, and then suddenly a wondrous fairy tale.

The fact that Slow West works so well is also due to the cast. Kodi Smit-McPhee and Michael Fassbender have already met as X-Men (Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix). Slow West marks their first collaboration in front of the camera. Here they shine as an unlikely couple. Especially that one taciturn, grim Silas looks like it was written specifically for Fassbender. A perfect casting.

When will Slow West with Michael Fassbender be on TV?

Slow West airs tonight, February 13, 2024, at 8:15 p.m. on Tele 5. With advertising, the broadcast continues until 10:00 p.m. The repeat follows at 1:40 a.m.

Alternatively, you can currently watch the film with a subscription on MagentaTV and Joyn+. You can also watch the film in a streaming flat rate via the Arthouse and Apple Channels on Amazon Prime Video. Otherwise there are various purchase and rental options.

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