West Mersea couple murdered with fentanyl – man sentenced

A 34-year-old man has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of an elderly couple in the British town of West Mersea in 2023, British media reports.

But already two years earlier, the man created several fake profiles to manipulate the couple and get into their lives. Among other things, he pretended to be a doctor from Florida.

Deadly “health drink”

Her daughter describes it as “brainwashing”. She says that the man, in his capacity as a doctor, asked her to send films of her mother.

– But in fact he just wanted to see the results of his sick and despicable actions, the daughter has said in court, according to The Guardian.

The couple was poisoned on April 9 last year. They had then received a “health drink”. In fact, it was laced with a lethal dose of fentanyl.

When they became unconscious, the man installed cameras. Then he followed their last moments of life via an app on his mobile phone.

“I just screamed and screamed”

The next day, he forged their will – in an attempt to inherit their family business himself. It was the daughter who found her parents lifeless.

– It was like my insides started to burn. I just screamed and screamed, she told the court.

It has also emerged that before the murder he drugged the woman in order to stage dementia-like symptoms. The court called the man’s actions an “extraordinary prolonged case of manipulation”.

“The pain he inflicted on her was for his own gratification,” prosecutor Tracy Ayling said during the trial.

The man was sentenced to life in prison and will only be released in 37 years, according to The Guradian.
