Local legion is holding three services during Remembrance Week

The West Elgin legion, Branch 221, is holding three Remembrance Week services again this year.
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The first was held on Sunday, Nov. 5, at the Rodney library branch, home of several local plaques. Wreaths were laid by representatives of various levels of government, service clubs, the legion, the OPP, Dennings Funeral Home, the Rodney Horticultural Society, Salus and Rodney Dental.
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The next two services of Remembrance will be held at the Dutton Community Center on Friday, Nov., 10 at 7 pm, and on Saturday, Nov. 11, at the cenotaph at the arena in West Lorne.
Legion officials invite all citizens to attend these events to honor and remember those who fought to maintain our freedoms and quality of life.
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