“We’re going to finish this nigga”: the staggering testimony of a supporter after Lyon – OM

Were going to finish this nigga the staggering testimony of

At the end of the meeting between Lyon and Marseille, a fight under the background of racism broke out at the exit of the stadium.

A frightening assault. On Tuesday April 24, BFM Lyon collected the testimony of a supporter after the Lyon – OM match, present during the racist attack which took place outside Groupama Stadium on Sunday April 22. The spine-chilling video was shared on social media and prompted an investigation. On the latter, we see a black man on the ground, being beaten up, narrowly escaping a kick in the head before being lynched again by several individuals.

According to information from BFM, the video was filmed in front of the south bend of Groupama Stadium, stronghold of OL’s ultra groups. Just after the meeting, the police intervened between gates R and P to “freeze a situation linked to a fight”, according to a source at the Rhône prefecture. Two people were injured, one of whom was treated by firefighters. When questioned, the club of Jean-Michel Aulas deplores this violence and the “unacceptable” remarks heard in the video. Two men were also arrested.

Testimonial from a fan

Questioned by BFM, a supporter, present at the time of the facts, testifies and recounts the scene. “When I reach the P3 car park, I see a crowd. I hear that there is a fight with Marseilles. I continue to advance and I see on my right a man on the ground, relates our witness to BFM Lyon. He is black and wears a white t-shirt. There is nothing to confirm that he is an OM supporter. I see two stewards rushing towards him to help him. At the same time, the CRS charge in order to create a security perimeter around the man who is still on the ground and no longer moving. So I find myself in the middle of supporters dressed in black, hooded and I hear ‘Marseille on t’enc…’ and ‘we’re going to finish this nigga’, as well as ‘go home’. I see at the same time two other stewards carrying an iron barrier, heading towards the person on the ground. I imagine they were going there. ‘to use as a stretcher to shelter him. I’m not staying on the stage any longer, the tension was very high.’
