Well-being synonymous with happiness for the French, well before health and money

Well being synonymous with happiness for the French well before health

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    What is well-being? And how to access it? This is the question that was asked to a panel of French people on the occasion of World Well-being Day, celebrated on June 10. Contrary to popular belief, it is neither love nor money that thrills the French, but the quest for happiness and the fact of feeling pleasure.

    According to the Laroussewell-being is a “pleasant state resulting from satisfaction of the needs of the body and calmness of the mind“. But this notion is not necessarily considered in the same way depending on the generations, or even depending on the country of origin. This is shown by a recent survey carried out by the NaturAvignon Laboratory among more than 3,000 French adults, on the occasion of World Well-being Day, more than one in two respondents (57%) believe that well-being is above all synonymous with happiness, and directly associated with feeling pleasure.

    But the respondents do not forget health, essential to enjoy these moments of pleasure. More than one in two French people (51%) associate well-being with good general health. This is followed by having good financial means (48%), not suffering (47%), being with your loved one (42%), no longer having any problems (36%), feeling feeling good about themselves (30%), having a fulfilling life (22%), or even being free (16%).

    The French, however, consider that this state of plenitude is not innate, quite the contrary. Not only can it be learned, but above all it requires specialized support for 89% of those questioned. Among them, 54% even say that it is essential to benefit from help to optimize their well-being. A fact which has recently been demonstrated by scientists who, if they do not speak of help strictly speaking, have demonstrated the need to learn the gestures which allow one to achieve happiness, and to integrate them into one’s daily life to maintain it and make it last.

    Food supplements, massages, yoga, coaching… The means undertaken by the public to achieve this much desired state are diverse and varied, but above all it seems that well-being is priceless for the French. More than one in two respondents (52%) say they are ready to spend between 120 and 150 euros per month for their well-being, compared to only 6% who would not exceed 50 euros per month.

    *This survey was carried out in May 2024 among 3,114 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over, from the BuzzPress panel of respondents (27,200 people in France).

    30 quotes about happiness

    Slide: 30 quotes about happiness

    Good in his body, good in his head!
