Well-being and health by nature

Well being and health by nature

The trees, flowers, the sun: they surround us on a daily basis, yet we cannot imagine how they play an important role in our life. Moods, behaviors and emotions depend on the presence of nature. Studies specify this relationship and its conditions (what is called environmental psychology). Because yes, well-being, health and nature are linked.

Ride in Forest, gardening, a break in a nicely wooded park … so many simple but effective moments to reconnect with the green environment. Taking the time to surrender to the contemplation of nature, to listen to its silences and its sounds is good for human beings!

The benefits of vitamin G

Do you take vitamin G? No ? Well that’s a shame you should, because it’s good for physical and mental health, for the planet, and for future generations. In short, vitamin G is the vitamin of life! When the Anglo-Saxons speak of vitamin G (Green Vitamin, in English, that is to say “green vitamin” in French), which, of course, does not exist, they refer to the essential role played by plants, trees and trees. flowers that surround us, as well as the benefits they provide.

The influence of nature on our well-being

Man, especially for a century, has considerably freed himself from the constraints dictated to him by nature and walked away from her. In all discretion, many of these natural elements that surround us have a impact on our social interactions and our physical and mental well-being. Environmental psychology is a discipline that studies how an individual’s immediate physical environment can affect their psychological functioning, physical and mental well-being, and behavior.

We will discover in this file some of the examples of the author’s book, Why nature makes us feel good : the benefits of plants green at work, emotions linked to flowers, the effects of the sun on our mood and behavior …

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