“Swedish people are starting to get used to shootings” • Law and order in third place
It is the Social Democrats who top the confidence in voters’ two most important issues. The party comes to top both when it comes to healthcare and school. In third place comes law and order where the Moderates and the Swedish Democrats enjoy the greatest confidence in the electorate.
– Healthcare, school and team and order are top three, so it’s the same as we usually see. It is very much about the expectation picture among voters. School and healthcare are something that you always expect. The shootings that have been for the past five years have meant that law and order have ended up in third place, says Torbjörn Sjöström, CEO of Novus.
M ÅKAPP SD about law and order
However, the Swedish Democrats dominate the issue of immigration and integration. But in the new survey, the Moderates have caught the Swedish Democrats in terms of law and order.
– I think the Swedish people are getting used to shootings. It is a scary insight, but we wake up almost every morning from a new bombing or a new tragic shooting. And you can’t wait for it to go over. It has been five years now and it has almost topped the news reporting all the time. But life must move on, says Torbjörn Sjöström.